My bf (22) and I (18f) are ldr. We met up a good few times. We only got as far as making out and me sucking his dick. I wanna ask if he wants to try a few things I wanna try maybe to ease into eventually getting to piv like dry humping or oral on me.. though I don’t really wanna exactly say dry hump or oral I kindof wanna put it in nicer terms? Like wanna lick me down there but idk what to say for dry humping?

But yeah In general idk how to ask because I’m extremely shy and don’t know how to not get nervous. He’s seen every bit of me in video or pics but never saw my peach in person but has seen my tits and butt.

Please help I’m just a ball of anxiety and I wanna try these things with him but I’m just so shy to ask.

  1. How about giving him a book as present about sex, e.g. Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski? You don’t need to talk for that, and he can learn about it. Also perfect way to gauge how interested he is in learning about sex 😉 watching some videos together can also work well.

    Next to that, in sex it’s really really important to be straightforward and honest. So if that’s something that’s difficult for you, then please consider working on your self-confidence and communication style e.g. via trainings or workshops or conversations.

    Sometimes words are not necessary. When you are ready for it, and when you’re together, how about slowly guiding his hands down your pants? How about first let him use his mouth to play with your nipples – foreplay is crucial! – and then say something like “there’s more down there that could be nice to suck”?

  2. You can say you’d like to try outercourse (which includes lots of different things), or maybe say you want to grind on him 🙂

  3. Maybe try to text him a few days before you next see him (I find it easier to say difficult or awkward things to people by text or letter.) you could message something like, “hey babe can’t wait to see you in a few days! I was thinking it would be fun to try some new different things in bed/types of foreplay, like maybe you going down on me and some other stuff. What do you think?”

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