I have a friend who I sincerely believe is a good person. He is nice and polite to talk to. For some reason he sometimes sends very rude and nonsense text messages. It’s hard to give an example. I’ve gotten used to it but recently he became my roommate. He sent some rude messages in the group chat and the other roommates are trying to kick him out of the house. The landlord has sided with them but my friend has a lease. So literally his rude messages has resulted in a legal battle or him getting kicked out.

Me and a mutual friend have tried talking to him about it but it just doesn’t seem to register. He uses his voice to type and doesn’t proof read before sending. I’m wondering if this is some sort of mental problem or dyslexia.

For example when he thought someone left the door to the house unlocked he said “this is fu\*\*\*\*\* awful we need real people living here” or when the landlord told him to move out because people don’t like him, his response was “I hate being around you guys right back at you”. English is his first language. The fact that he never adds grammar (like periods) to his writing makes him look crazy.

How can I impress upon him the importance of sounding polite in writing?

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