At which age were you able to grow a beard?

  1. I’m closing up on 40, I still cannot grow one. It’s just not in my genes. The best I can manages is an uneven pubic-looking goatee with a color that doesn’t match the hair on my head *at all*. I’ve given up on ever getting one.

  2. 24 and not a whisker. Like, not even a faint wispy mustache. Just peach fuzz. Some people just don’t have it in their genes unfortunately

  3. At 35 when I discovered that at some point my pituitary gland was damaged and started htr.

  4. I wasn’t able to fully grow a beard til I was…twenty-five? Twenty-six? It was always spotty, and in college I had a dumb long goatee.

    Chest hair, though—I wasn’t able to grow chest-hair til I was twenty-seven.

  5. It is so weird how some people can grow a whole viking beard at 14, and some people cant even grow a pedostache at 25.

  6. 22 for me, but I’ve friends who can’t still grow a beard and we’re all 30ish. It varies and a lot.

  7. Facial hair started growing pretty early, I’d say about 10 or 11. I first shaved when I was about 14, though. I’m 22 and it’s much thicker than it was until then, but I still can’t grow a full beard

  8. 13 I shit you not before high school I was able to get a complete beard probably facial hair that was at least 1/2 in to 3/4 In in length but since I worked in Food Service as my first job I couldn’t keep it at all and had to constantly shave. Now I’m 23 and I can grow Lumberjack beards like they’re nothing.

  9. I started shaving at about 15/16, remained clean shaven by choice until 22 when I decided to try and grow it out. Had a half decent beard since then (25 now)

  10. thin moustash at 10,11. Fat Sideburns at 15. Goatee at 18, short boxed bear at 30. 35 pretty much a full beard.. it has some thin spots, but its only noticeble for me .

  11. full beard at 16 but my chest, armpit and asshair came at the same time.. very annoying…

  12. Dude I’m 36 and I can grow half HALF left side furry and even right side bare and naked also until I was 22 I could only grow a hitler stache

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