Ladies, what story of an ex do you remember when you miss them?

  1. That time his mom called me the B word for a female dog seriously in front of him and he asked me “what did you do or say for her to call you that?.” At that point- I knew him and his mom were way too close

  2. I remember the time he let his brother call me a Nazi because I thought it was shitty that he (the ex, not his brother) was making fun of the BLM protests. When I called him (the ex) out on that, he threw a little pity-party on his Facebook page. Absolutely worthless.

  3. When he repeatedly apologized for treating me poorly, but continued to do the same things.

  4. Nope, he was super nice and respectful. I found out I was lesbian- I’m not lesbian now but I have gf, we are still friends to this day and nobody makes it weird

  5. Maybe how the kids and I sat on my bed crying while he screamed at us “I DON’T CARE IF I NEVER SEE YOU ASSHOLES AGAIN IF IT MEANS I CAN BE FREE!”

    My then 16 year old son bodily removed him from the house at that point. My daughter has completely blocked this memory. My son tells me his father has since apologized to him.
    No apologies to me, though. So, this is what I remember.

  6. When he sent a text 5 months after I dumped him with a story that was completely inaccurate hoping to guilt me into giving him another chance. It was so pathetic that I just let him know I was tired of his BS and blocked him so that I could live in peace. That’s all I remember when he pops into my mind now.

  7. Probably feeling like I was crazy for being upset that we never saw each other anymore and the ‘sorry that it makes you upset’ comments. Being told he could go ages without seeing me and feel fine about it. Endless insincere apologies and nothing changing. Always having to remind him to brush his teeth before bed.

    And once we broke up, the condescending “hope you are looking after yourself” comments all the time

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