And what do you call it in your language? Quiet hours outline specific times of the day (typically night and morning) where excessive or unnecessary noise is not allowed.

  1. I don’t know what they’re called in the UK, but councils can issue warning notices to anyone making excessive noise between 11pm-7am.

  2. Generally after 22:00(10 p.m.), but not sure when they actually end. Although I would guess around 6 a.m., since it’s time a lot of people start working.

  3. Legally, there aren’t any. But it’s customary to respect quiet hours from 22:00 (10 pm).

  4. From about 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. But I haven’t officially heard that it’s “quiet time”

  5. It’s called Nachtruhe in Germany, night’s quiet or night’s rest, and is from 22 to 6h. It’s taken very seriously.

  6. 22:00 – 06:00 every day. Also Sundays are quiet days. You’re not supposed to do any loud/noisy activities on that day. Depending on the neighbourhood, people will actually call the cops and file a noise complaint

    Some regions also have a quiet hour during lunchtime around 13:00 – 14:00 or even 15:00.

  7. From 10PM to 6/7AM midweek and all of sundays and official holidays, in some residential areas it’s also from 1-3PM. It’s called Ruhezeit and Ruhetag

  8. Basically 23:00-7:00, although most people wait with making a lot of noise until 8:00. But it differs per municipality.

  9. That’s a municipal affair so every city can more or less decide for itself. Technically you may never produce excessive or unnecessary noise so it’s just a bit of common sense.

    Nevertheless, the rules in my municipality state that you can’t use power tools (lawnmower, chainsaw, etc.) outside before 8am and after 8pm.

  10. I live in rural area, nor quiet times.

    I complained to the cows in the field beside my house, but hey are no respecters of a morning lie-in. And don’t get me started about the foxes, dogs or cats screaming at each other in the middle of the night 🙂

  11. It may vary slightly, but often it’s 22-7 (10pm-7am) on weekdays and 23-8 (11pm-8am) on weekends. At least that’s how it is in my apartment building, though I’ve lived in others with basically identical quiet hours.

  12. In Poland its customary 22-6, but in reality when you call the cops and there is a party and the owner of the apartment wont open the door, they cant do shit. Its a misdemeanor so they cannot force they way in, and courts cannot really fine anyone because its impossible to determine who was responsible for the noise.

    Source: I have a friend in the police.

  13. In Greece it’s illegal to make noise 22:00- 6:00 and 15:30-17:30 during winter 23:00-6:00 and 15:30-17:00 during summer.

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