There is this girl ive been hanging with for a while now, I like her company and she is fun to be around. Long story short, we met, I had the hots for her for on fist sight, but she said that she has a boyfriend, I aborted ship and didnt let myself get feelings, she kept wanting to spend time with me, constantly texting me and asking to hang out. She gave signals for attraction, after a mount I decided to fuck it and go for it, 2 days ago tried kissing her, she rejected but after that we spent the whole evening in my room, she acted all flirty, tried several times to kiss her again, she rejected but let me tuch her everywhere. Yesterday she wanted to meet for coffee than we decided to go chill in my place, we watched a movie, she got all over me and things like that, again letting me tuch her everywhere but again rejected kissing, let alone other things. So yeah, she is playing with me for sure, but on the other hand I don’t want to end up in a relationship with her nor catch serious feelings. But I really like her company. I things she is just confused to the point where she doesn’t know what she feels, likes to get attention all the time + likes being huged and touched, but I guess not going to another base. Talks about her BF sometimes and showes that she loves him. Which mindfucks me. So I am thinking of cutting contact but not exactly sure how. On one side I want her company, I don’t really have much people around me in the first place, and again she is fun to be around but on the other hand I don’t like being played, so how do you advice going from here on out with this? Like we live in the same apartment building so like cutting contacts in general wouldn’t really work that much as we see each other and have mutual friends from the building and we hand out a lot. But how not to let her play with me like that? Any advice?

  1. Well i think she is syphoning attention from you that she is not getting from her boyfriend.

    Its not healthy for you and you should voice out that you want her to be exclusive with you or she cannot be with you anymore.

  2. You decided to “fuck it and go for it” but now somehow have decided she’s “playing with you for sure”.

    She’s not playing you. She has a boyfriend and told you she has a boyfriend.

    This is 100% on you.

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Background, I’ve been friends with this girl I’ve know for about 10 years or so. We weren’t close…