What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from an older man?

  1. Idk if its the best but it boiled down to don’t try to be cool, just being yourself is already cool enough

  2. “Eat right, don’t drink or smoke if you can avoid it. Regularly exercise your legs and back. Buy quality mattresses and shoes. Remember no one is obligated to take care of you and no one is looking out for you, so take care of yourself. Be kind to others.”

  3. I don’t remember the exact quote since I was quite drunk at the time, but it was something like, “Boy, don’t make her a priority if she’s only treating you like an option.”

  4. “ if you’re having to talk about respect, you don’t have any“

    that shit made me look at the workplace in a completely different way.

  5. Be your own hero.

    If you want to play an instrument like your favorite player or draw like your favorite artist, what happens when that happens? You can only reach their level and then that’s it. If you are your own hero, you can never limit what you can do. He was more eloquent about it than I am but you can get the idea.

  6. “Look into vacuum tubes”

    I was an electronics hobbyist pretty much right after completing electronics school on 2006. I aspired to make audio amplifiers and was discussing it with a guy who turned out to be a friend and mentor for much of my adult life.

    In 2008 he suggested trying vacuum tubes. I looked into it, but it took a couple of years to work out how to use them. Vacuum tubes actually became a huge obsession of mine and a major part of my life.

    I’ve become that one guy at work who knows more about electronics than everybody else, mainly because studying vacuum tubes helped me learn the way the technology developed.

  7. On night I was eating soup with me grandfather and he said to me “The soup is always cooler at the corners of the bowl.” He said that is what his mother told him and that something he will never forget. There is no hidden meaning or anything it’s exactly how it sounds

  8. “war time decisions carry ass bitting future problems, be ready they will come”. Basically when you fix stuff on the fly cause you can’t stop, will bite you in the ass when you actually stop so have a second solution warming up.

  9. From my Grandpa, known to his friends as Fuckin Hank, when I was 13, “you know that instinct that keeps you jumping off a bridge or fighting a drunk Marine? It also applies to pulling out.”

  10. I have really looked up to two older guys that I knew. The one had worked his way up from being almost as low as you can go on the ladder (no degree required, high school probably not too much of a requirement) to being the vice president of a massive (and I mean absolutely massive, like a name that comes up in the news) company. I thought this was fucking incredible, and as I got to know him I could see how he operated. He was very careful, would spend a lot of time just *considering* things. But he was so good at considering things. He would reach conclusions very quickly because he had practiced that sort of reasoning over his whole life. And once he had made a decision, that was what he would do. And it would get done. He was never inconsiderate or dismissive of other people, and his final decisions took other people and their perspectives into account. But after all that, he would do the shit out of that thing.
    Witnessing that really had an affect on me . It was like watching the competence Olympics.

  11. When I got divorced from a very mentally unstable woman and was going through custody issues: Document everything. That advice has saved my arse more than once.

  12. Dont make assumptions.

    Assumptions are almost always negative and always wrong. If you care enough to form an opinion or take action, gather more information. If not, move on without commenting or doing anything or you may make an ass out of yourself and damage your own mental health with the negativity your brain forms by default.

  13. Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself

  14. “It’s not enough to love your partner. You have to like them too.”

    “Stay away from crazy girls.”

    I think about these a lot

  15. Build your house to the east of where you’ll work.

    So when you drive to work in the morning, the sun is at your back. When you drive home at the end of the day, the sun will be at your back. Never driving with the sun in your face for your daily commutes.

    -my dad.

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