Yesterday is my last day at work as part-time worker. I worked as a waiter in a restaurant. So when I arrive at the restaurant, I saw a new worker and simply say hi to her, and greet other workers as well. One of the worker , found that the colour of our shirt (new worker and i) are same since the restaurant do not force us to wear work uniform. Then they’d making fun of us and say we are couple. I was shocked that she ran next to me while laughing and acted like we really are. (as she is about 40-50 yrs old and I’m 17) But she’s not act like embarrassed or something else. (which normally people would do) *i think so. The act is cute, but it makes me a little awkward. We had a little talk while in gap time. I’ve told her that I will no longer work at there after that day. 4 hours later, the restaurant are closing. When I walking out the restaurant and she stopped me and asked for my phone number, I didnt think much and give her right away. also it’d be rude if I don’t.
After I reached home, I received her whatsapp message said “I am home”. I replied her message with a thumbs-up. Then she asked me some general question. I replied all. She also asked my age.
After all those question, she wanted my Facebook. I don’t have much friends on it, I have my family members and close friend in my friend list. Also pictures of me and people around me on my profile page. I afraid that she will do something weird… since I still don’t know much about her..
What should I do. I personally don’t want to give her my Facebook account. How should I reply without offend her. Please help

1 comment
  1. Maybe just tell her “sorry, I only use facebook to keep up with family and close friends”.

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