TLDR ; Friends friend asked for my number but I don’t know if I want to say yes or no because I like this one person and I think they like me too but I don’t want to ruin it by getting the wrong signals. So I’m stuck between seeing what goes on with my friends friend or I have to be assertive with the person I like.

Me: f18
Lucky (friend): m23
Birdie (person who wants number): m20
Kiddo (person I like): m20

Basically my friend’s (lets call them Lucky m23) friend (we will call them Birdie m20) asked my friend for my number but I don’t know how to respond because I like someone else. I’m honored that Birdie likes me but I’ve only met him twice and never really spoke to him. However I really like this other person (Let’s call them Kiddo m20) and I want to say they have interest in me as well and my friends have mentioned they think they like me as well.

I could ask Lucky about Kiddo as they are close friends but I’m worried that I could be taking everything the wrong way, or I could just have lucky give Birdie my number because it doesn’t hurt to talk.

Also for context I met Birdie at these functions that I go to that I support Lucky and Kiddo at. I did sit and stand next to Birdie the other day (thought we did not talk) but I also hung with Kiddo and he approached me first and was very touchy feely and wanted to sit and stand next to me I have never once spoken To him but I speak frequently with Kiddo over message and we hang out tomorrow .

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