I’m from a place where the vast majority of people are uneducated and struggle to speak English well. I have few acquaintances who are my age and have access to a quality education, and I find it difficult to make friends at my school (they have good education, and access to internet). However, it is uncommon to find educated individuals who have been taught proper English in my school. If you come across somebody who has an internet connection, they just get irritating and gush about anime all day. They even exhibit the stereotypical behavior of a complete weeaboo. I don’t consider myself to be introverted, and I can converse effectively with others, but when I try to converse with the others, I find it to be grating, and I end the talks. I converse with people who are older than me, intelligent, and knowledgeable beyond what most students at my school do. Furthermore, I have yet to come across somebody with the same amount of expertise as them, though. I believe that my issue is that I have unrealistic expectations for the ordinary student in my school, so I’m asking for your help in figuring out what to do.

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