My (19f) boyfriend (19m) told me today that a girl went up to his friend and told him that my boyfriend sexually assaulted her. She apparently has told other people, but the exact number is unknown.

My boyfriend said he is not worried about it, but that this isn’t the first time that somebody has done this. He told me that neither he and or his friend knew who the girl was.

I have been in a relationship where I have been sexually assaulted years ago, but I have been with my boyfriend for about a year now. He makes me feel safe, but I can’t help but think about the truth of this accusation. She did not seem to say anything else, such as her proof, like I said, my boyfriend isn’t worried about it. However, I am wondering if I should be. I love him, but I’ve never been in a situation like this before where my partner is getting accused while nothing has happened to me with him.

He doesn’t want to talk about it right now and he just went to sleep.
What do I do if I need to do anything at all?

(Edited because of spacing)

  1. “This isn’t the first time somebody has done this”

    Uhhhh…… this is worrisome.

  2. Maybe she’s saying she was SA by him because she’s jealous? In that case she needs to get checked out for mental issues. I would recommend consulting a lawyer

  3. It’s not the first time someone has accused him of sexual assault? Does he say why multiple women would be accusing him?

    I know abusers can be manipulative and hide parts of themselves when they want to. Think of how often things end up in the news and friends and family and neighbors all say they are the last person they’d have expected. I don’t know what’s going on, but just be safe.

  4. Well, don’t ask him about it right at bedtime.

    Ask at a more awake time.

    I would want to know the identity of this girl, and maybe talk to her myself.

    If “nothing to worry about” means “she can’t prove it,” I would indeed be worried.

  5. I would recommend you find out as much information as possible before jumping to any conclusions. If you accuse him of anything and turn out to be wrong, then your relationship will most likely end.

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