What is the best response to someone rudely commenting on your weight? How does it affect you?

  1. I’m very thin – perfectly healthy though – and I‘m often indifferent about comments about my weight (e.g. you look ill, eat more, you look anorexic, etc.). Like, do you have nothing better to do than to look like an idiot trying to make me feel bad about myself? Pathetic. You can do better.

  2. Next time someone says something about your weight, open your purse, rummage through it then say “nope, sorry, I don’t have my F’s to give right now. I did find mind your business, would you like that?”

  3. I haven’t noticed it happening in a while.
    It depends. I usually say something smart ass or comical.

    “Jealous, honey?”

    “Is that the best you can do?”

    “Do you expect your opinion to matter to me? At all?”

    Or, of course – “If you have something to say, step to me.”

  4. It’s humiliating, embarrassing & none of their business to bring up anything like that. I mean idk what they are thinking, but even if they meant well all it does is spotlight something which most people will be uncomfortable with.

    I’d probably reply along the lines of ‘Good thing I didn’t ask you’. ‘Sorry not interested.’

  5. I usually just say “that’s not appropriate – please do not comment on my body again.”

    My family commented on my weight constantly as I was
    growing up and it affected me longterm – it’s still hard for me to view food in a healthy way and to have a good relationship with my body. As I got older and slimmed down a bit, my family began complementing me on how I looked “fit” and “slim”. Whether it’s a complement or a family member talking behind my back to my mother about how I’m overweight and she should limit my food intake, my weight is none of their business and they have no right to comment on my body; good or bad.

  6. Thanks for the responses! I was visiting family this past weekend and have gained 30lbs that I worked hard to gain and wanted to gain since last seeing them. First thing my aunt said hello was “wow you’ve gained weight” in a rude way. Although I did want this gain, it caught me off guard and made me rethink my choices. But this is the happiest I’ve been after struggling for years with being underweight. It made me almost forget all the progress I’ve made with creating a healthy relationship with food.

  7. “That’s so funny, I don’t remember asking for your opinion.”

    Or just stare at them for a long, long moment. And then, “Anyway…”

    Or insult them back. “Well I can always lose (or gain) weight but you’ll always be an asshole.”

  8. I gained about 20lbs in a year after my miscarriage. Still haven’t told my family, but my 93 year old grandpa keeps telling me I need to lose 40lbs and asking if I’m expecting. I usually just leave after he says something like that

  9. As Deena from Jersey Shore once said, “At least I can lose weight for free. It’ll take ten grand to fix your face.”

  10. I’m fat. I’m ok with it. Someone comments I usually answer sarcastic my back depending on the situation and try to negate their intelligence

  11. ” awe thanks, I’m flattered ” if they try and explain themselves cut them off with ” I’m aware your rude, I was just being nice ” Big smile helps this as well.

    Has worked with outfits, hairstyles, make up etc.

    Best to say it in normal tone so everyone else can laugh at them as well. I’m normally a very understanding person but outright rudeness is a comedic opportunity best taken right away.

  12. I said “really??” While staring wholeheartedly at their belly and raising my eyebrows. I’m really not fat but not skinny either.

  13. Probably nothing. I’m not very confrontational and I don’t really care about random people’s opinion. They’re probably trying to get a rise out of me or dangerous if they’re openly trying to be offensive.

    If someone close to me mentioned it then I value it more but the wrong tone matters a lot.

  14. I don’t respond I just ignore them. I usually get comments from heavier women telling me to gain weight I’m happy the way I am people just need to mind their own business and focus on themselves.

  15. “Did I f***ing ask you?” Is one I’ve used before.

    My weight gain is caused by a medication (depo shot). If people feel the need to be insensitive about it, I’ll bite back. I’m not here for intrusive comments about my body while I’m minding my own business.

  16. My go to is, “‘ayyyy, I didn’t know body shaming was cool again.” I have gotten a sheepish look every time.

  17. I’m someone you don’t want to mess with when it comes to my weight because I’m ready to slap that motherfucker.

  18. I like to just keep repeating “Did I fucking ask you?” until they either leave or are forced to admit that I did not in fact fucking ask them.

  19. I hate this because my weight fluctuates. There’s no response, it’s always awkward

  20. I grew up in a toxic household. My mum constantly told me I was fat and my nan constantly made comments every time I’d see her too: “Oh, you’ve gained a bit of weight haven’t you pet?” “Looking a bit chubbier these days”. I was an overweight child, but no kid deserves to be told that. Anyway, the only comment I got about it at school was this one misogynist kid who called me “fat” cus I didn’t want to talk about cars lol.

    I wish I could say this didn’t affect me. I grew up staring in the mirror wishing I could get the pounds down and have the body all my friends had. I avoided parties (swimming ones especially) and wore baggy clothes whenever possible.

    A year and a bit ago (im 16 now), my mum had the idea to put us (me, her, and my year-older-than-me sister) on the 800 diet. If you don’t know what this is, you fast as long as you can, you have no sugar or carbs, and you only have 800 calories a day. I was losing weight so fast I felt great (12stone to 9stone) but I was exhausted every day and emotionally I was a trainwreck. After we faded out of this diet, I got an ed. I couldn’t eat much, I’d just got a boyfriend so I wanted to stay skinny too. I ended up having one meal a day- if that- to make sure I stayed healthy. I started putting weight back on eventually, I wasn’t anorexic or anything I just couldn’t eat without feeling sick which went away after I broke up with the bf. Now, I’m just over 10 stone. Tbh, I still struggle with my weighr and it’s hard to keep those thoughts out of my mind. But we’re all different, no one body weight suits everyone.

    Overall, words do hurt and mean alot. Some people could easily shrug them off, but I couldn’t and it damaged me. It gets better tho!

  21. My dad has always made comments on my weight, regardless of the weight. I finally started asking if he was pot or kettle and what he was doing to lose weight.

  22. I use to be overweight too, but you can do this with any insult about something you aren’t personally bothered by.

    “Sure, but what are you gonna do about that face?” Or some other non-temporary feature. Hairline, face, eyebrows, height, shoulders. Hell, doesn’t even have to be real, then they go “what’s wrong with my? *thing you pointed out*” and you laugh as you walk away.

    If it’s someone you must semi-tolerate just being insensitive (or who should know better).

    “Well that’s quite obvious. Do you think im blind, or did you just notice yourself?”

  23. I was very very I’ll a few years ago and lost a pretty solid amount of weight in a very short amount of time. People constantly made comments about how good I looked; meanwhile I was so sick and barely functioning, and no, I didn’t look good. My hair was falling out, I was so pale And tired looking. I would say “this isn’t a good thing, I’m extremely sick”.

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