So I (30M) been in a relationship with my gf (26F) for about a year the first few months it was sex almost every other day. We moved in with each other about 5 months ago and ever since then we only have sex about 2-4 times a month. This month is has only been once! She swears she loves me and that she wants to have a kid, and marry me etc, but I have never been in such a sexless relationship. It’s driving me nuts, I have to go masturbate when I go to the bathroom just to get it out of me. I feel like it should not be like this. We have had a lot of fights since we have moved in so I’m not sure if maybe that’s why there’s been a decrease.

Also, the times when we do have sex in a month it’s usually when she’s had a few drinks in her or when she’s just super happy and energetic.

Is there a way to get that passion back? Or is this relationship dead? I want to ask her and let her know this bothers me but I’m embarrassed to ask and also feel like it would make me look desperate/weird.

  1. You have to tell her , just be nice about it and try to work with her for a compromise you both can live with.

  2. You’re a year in and already have a dead bedroom.

    You can try to revive it, if there’s something else that caused the issues. Unless she just had higher libido in the beginning to trap you in, when she is actually low libido

    Personally I could never lasty long with a guy who has low libido. Sex is important for intimacy and it barring medical reasons, no reason for it to be that far mismatched in a healthy/strong relationship

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