How nervous were you beforehand? Did the proposal go according to plan? If not, did you get a good, bad, funny, or heartwarming story out of it?

  1. I was so nervous the night before she thought I was getting ready to break up. She said yes the next day, we got married and we’re still crazy in love with each other

  2. Oh yeah. Got engaged about 4 years ago at Alki Beach in Seattle. My wife always went there as a kid and throughout her teenage years, she would go there when she was down and feeling sad. So I thought that would be a great place to do it.

    She told me from the jump that she doesn’t want a public engagement. So her mother was waiting there to surprise her after the engagement but of course she told everyone at the beach about what was about to go down so a huge crowd gathered.

    She was so nervous and frazzled by the crowd that she couldn’t talk so I got on my knee and asked but she couldn’t speak so I just said “Just say yes for now and we can talk about it when we get home if not”

    We’ve been married 3 years now and I didn’t have to propose again luckily.

  3. I knew she was going to say yes, but I was still super nervous. It went pretty well.

    My girl is a big music fan, so I emailed a bunch of her favorite bands asking for videos I could use in the proposal (this was before Cameo was a thing – or at least before I’d heard of it). Only one responded.

    On the night of, I called her over and told her to look at this weird video I found. Then I handed her my phone. There was her favorite singer congratulating us by name on our engagement. She looked up, very confused, to see me on one knee with the ring in hand.

  4. She said yes, so I consider that a win.

    There wasn’t a lot of planning on my part, honestly. I bought the ring, of course, and knew I would propose on a specific vacation we were on. I just didn’t know exactly where or when it would be. It worked out perfectly though.

  5. I was nervous. She said yes.

    It did not go according to plan but that’s ok. I got my yes and that’s all that really matters.

  6. It went fine.

    We were adults so we’d talked about marriage plenty of times before hand. The proposal can be a surprise, but the very idea of getting married shouldn’t be.

  7. We had been talking marriage so much, it wasn’t going to be a shock or surprise proposing. Only the when and where would be a surprise. I’ve known her family for a long time. And they were very traditional Mexican immigrants. She was at work late one day and her folks were home, so i went over. We sat down at the kitchen table. I told them, “I’m sure you can guess where this is going. I have a deep and abiding affection for your daughter. I want to marry her but I wanted to get your blessing before asking her. Her dad put his had on my shoulder and said, “Mijo…….we’ve been waiting for a long time for this moment. If you weren’t going to ask…..we were going to tell you.” Lol

    We went for a hike on a beautiful Saturday. Couldn’t have planned better weather. Sort of had a picnic of snack foods there on the trail and I asked her with ring and all. She was so giddy after. I dropped her off at her house and she said, “now I have to call everyone I know.”

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