Hello fellow individuals, before I get down to business I’ll mention some details. I \[24M\] have had 3 sexual partners and would say I’m quite a sexual person. Every partner I’ve been with has expressed how they enjoy the build up and the act of sex with me but I’d still like to improve in other areas with my current gf. However.

Every time I’ve gone down on a girl I immediately gag from the taste and try my hardest not to make a retching sound and end up having to come up very quickly and resort to other methods. Now it’s not that I find the female genitals disgusting or that the girls lack hygiene. When it happened with the first girl I thought perhaps it was something unique to her and didn’t bother much, then my second girlfriend I knew something was up. I understand the importance of oral sex, especially with my current girlfriend and was wondering if anyone had any tips/advice. I’d hate to go down on her and gag and make her feel self conscious. I really feel like this is something I’d enjoy giving if I didn’t react this way, thank you for your time.

1 comment
  1. it sounds like your subconscious is getting the better of you bub. Oral isn’t for everyone and that’d okay. personally I had trouble with it at first too (subconsciously there was something about it that just didn’t sit well with me). so I focused on sucking the clit and spelling the ABCs on it both upper and lower case letters and added a toy for going into her. it works for me maybe it will work for you. if nothing else maybe going down on her enough times will help with it. but also, let her know you have that reaction and your not sure why it happens, but you wanna get over it so she doesn’t get angry or hurt of you do make a sound while you’re going down on her. remember communicating is the most important part of a relationship. Hell she may know how to get you over it. good luck and have fun.

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