I’m trying to determine if I’m developing some kind of unhealthy behavior or if my libido is just higher, I’m not sure what is normal. For context I’m 28F with a male partner.

Previously while on birth control and antidepressants I had zero sex drive for years.

I’m off of both for about a year now but in the past month I have been wanting sex constantly. Me and my partner have sex about once a day (and I do orgasm, sometimes multiple times) but I honestly could do with it more than that. And then I’m also masturbating 3-4 times a day including before I sleep in order to relax. Feel like I’m going kind of crazy here and wondering if that’s normal or what 😅

1 comment
  1. Ups and downs in your sex drive is normal. Changing medications will definitely affect libido, especially antidepressants.

    The question about whether or not you have a high libido or sex porn addiction depends more on how it affects your life rather than the particular number of times per day. The simplest way of thinking about addiction is the idea of “use despite harm.” IE, do you continue to have frequent sex/watch porn even though it’s interfering with your life? For example, are you skipping work to watch porn? Is it making you skip out on important responsibilities with your partner/family members/kids/etc?

    If the answer to those questions is no, then congrats! You’re having lots of great orgasms! If the answer is yes, then maybe it’s worth talking to a professional about things.

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