Okay so lately I’ve been thinking alot,
I’m a female, 27 but something that I’ve noticed really apparently is that I literally do not care what people think of me, Good or bad. People have said the worst most spiteful things possible to me and I know how bad they are and realise the severity of what they’re saying but it still just does not hit home and I really don’t care and come to think of it I never have family, friends, boyfriends and this leads me to have no boundaries because people are clearly telling me how they feel and because I can’t take it in and don’t let it affect me in the way that they are trying to i will put myself in situations again and again and give people the power to abuse me.
I do have adhd since a child along with ocd, suspected BPD and probably other shit undiagnosed and wonder if this is anything to do with it. (Not making any excuses) Am I just extremely selfish or is this a trait of any mental health conditions as I genuinely would like to change ?

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you’ve built some sort of defense mechanisms that protect you from whatever it is that you dealt with growing up. It’s definitely not you being selfish. Now if these extreme words you received were the results of certain extreme actions you did to harm others, then that can be where you are extremely selfish.

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