I posted this in r/askReddit as well if you’ve seen this already but felt like this was a good subreddit to post too as well.

  1. I was 22. I definitely would not have children in my 20s if I had a do over.

  2. I was 20 when I had my first child. If I had a do-over I would change who the father was. I don’t regret my choices in having kids early. I like that I had my kids in my 20’s because I had parents who were in their late 40’s early 50’s when they had me. In my experience having older parents wasn’t fun. I had siblings but they all had kids by the time I was born. I would play with my nieces and nephews who were either about the same age as me or older. I spent 98% of my time mostly at home, finding ways to entertain myself. Sort of living the only child life. My parents never had any energy to do anything fun. I always felt ignored by my parents. They ended up getting me a dog though and he was the best companion ever!

  3. I was 31. I’m glad I waited. I was financially stable, established in my career, and had already traveled a lot. I still travel with my kids, but not to the extent that I had and definitely not as carefree. My oldest is 17 and I really enjoy both of my kids. I’m divorced now, and doing just fine financially. I’m definitely glad that I had them in my 30s.

  4. I was 34. I would have preferred to have my first child a year or two earlier but my ovaries didn’t want to cooperate.

  5. Had my first whe I was 20, my last ones the twins when I was 26.
    I don’t regret having them early but regret with who.

    I had a job already, I bought the house with help of my mom when I was 19. (She just stod on the loan as extra because of my ages) but I payed everything on the house.
    I was stable to have kids.
    Just the person I got the kids whit wasnt and I saw that way to late.

    I would in one way see the positive of having a kid now as even more stability in life. But it worked out this too.

  6. I was 28.
    I’m hindsight I would have been a better mother if I’d waited until my late 30’s. The financial stress on top of my work stress was intense + a child that didn’t sleep and was generally difficult. I barely coped.

    That being said, I’m 40 now – they will be adults before I’m 50 which is nice too…

  7. I was/am 30. (Which is btw still below average in my country)

    I wanted kids sooner, but we were struggling with infertility for a couple years. It was hard and I was very sad for a long time, especially since my husband is older and more kids might not be in the cards now. But I realized I worked through a lot of Trauma during this time and matured as a person and I think I wouldn’t have been such a confident mother if I had my Baby at 27.

  8. 27. It was pretty much the perfect age. Finished uni, worked, Travelled to Sth America, Europe, Africa, Asia, then had kids. Now Twenty years later and the youngest will be out of home at the end of the year and I’m still young enough to enjoy life and travel more.

  9. I was 25, my mum was 25 when she had me, and my grandma was 25/26 when she had my mum. It felt like a good age for me personally though i did want them earlier

  10. Yes.

    I got pregnant at 19, with my boyfriend of two years. It was not planned, but at the time having the baby felt like the right thing to do.

    Inevitably, the relationship fell apart (as most first LTRs do) and I became a single parent.

    As I’m in the UK, I do get much more support compered to lots of other countries. However, it is still a struggle and at 31 I still don’t have a career.

    I love my daughter and I enjoy our relationship immensely. She still sees her dad regularly and has grown into a happy, resilient and intelligent child.

    If I could go back in time, I would have focused on getting a decent(ish) job and be with a man for at least five years before having a child.

    I would also have spent some time travelling the world.

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