I feel so lost at the moment, I was made redundant 4 weeks ago from a support role and just got rejected for a place as an apprentice as a solutions architect at Amazon . I feel so embarrassed because im nearly 30 and my career has barely started. I didn’t finish Uni and I really don’t know where to start or go. I can’t afford to just study without earning a decent wage so I’m trying to look for apprenticeships which pay well. Im from the UK. This sounds like waffle but can anyone tell me of any programmes or jobs which help people just starting out in tech?

  1. The temptation to say “turn it off and on again” is great.

    (Other than a naff joke I can’t help, but hope you get sorted soon!)

  2. Service desk roles? A lot just require basic tech knowledge, no qualifications, and almost always have a way to get your foot in the door for higher up/other roles within the same company. Training on the job is usually always offered.

    There’s a lot out there at the moment with most being WFH… If you’re in to that… So a good time to get yourself out there.

    It’s the way I got in and I’m now a tech project manager for a large company on a very good wage (I’m under 30)

  3. ” I can’t afford to just study without earning a decent wage”

    You might not be able to do courses but right now it’s as easy as it’s ever been to learn now skills with online courses and virtualisation/containerisation and the like.

    When I was starting out I had a ‘lab’ full of shit kit taking up half a garage, none of which you’d need now.

  4. Ok, let’s look at this objectively, and dare I say, tell you the truth.

    Solution Architect roles are the pinnacle of IT roles, without going into pure management. They’re normally middle management level, and paid massive salaries.

    Ordinarily it’d take you 15-20 years to achieve this, and even then, it’s only for the best of the best.

    An apprentice solution architect role at Amazon, would be for the VERY best graduates.

    Sorry to be blunt, but why are you embarrassed that you didn’t get the role? You didn’t get it because you’re not qualified, and you knew this when applying.

    What are you doing to better yourself? What training and upskilling are you doing in your own time?

    When I first started out, I was learning day and night, in my own time, there was nothing more important.

    You need to learn, and you need to apply for a junior role. An analyst developer role at most.

    Sorry my friend, but for the most part, IT roles demand qualifications, and a willingness to learn and better yourself.
    As someone who’s is in their 30’s, only done a support role, and hasn’t given any indication that they’ve been trying to upskill in anything remotely connected to what they want to do (you said “cloud stuff” to someone else), then I’m sorry but its not looking good.

    Do you have any programming skills? What do you know about “cloud stuff”? Any AWS or Azure qualifications? Why not, if not?

    Time to wake up, stop the partying with your mates, and focus your life.

  5. Wow OP has a chip on his shoulder and being an ass to everyone trying to help. I’m out, not even going to bother trying to help someone like that.

  6. Have you been doing every free cloud training cert you can find online? Getting those Azure/AWS official certs can open a lot of doors. Some training sites have weekends with free courses.

    Pick an area. Are you looking at architecture, security, devOps, development..? Get good at one thing first, get some evidence of this.

    Can you code? Anything? Python, powershell? Do you know any databasing?

    Figure out your skills and your direction and produce some evidence of this.

  7. Don’t give up hope – just keep applying. And while you’ve got time on your hands start learning and studying to improve your skills.

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