would you trust your parents to choose your partner? why or why not?

  1. Hell no. I don’t even trust anyone to order for me when eating out let alone to choose a life partner for me lol.

  2. Ohhh hell no. Love my parents but they would definitely choose a good church boy who’ll expect me to still be a virgin 😂

  3. No. My parents married each other so they’re obviously not good judges of character.

  4. No. I love my parents very much but there’s things I look for in a life partner that I don’t need my parents knowing about.

  5. The strange this is, that while they were furious at me for leaving their small, obscure church when i couldn’t find happiness OR a partner (who didn’t cheat on me)… I actually doubt they would have ever settled on a partner for me if they had the choice.

    They never really liked any of the church guys I dated but seemed to just hope it would magically work itself out because it was important I marry a christian. Then I started dating a non-believer who behaves like a saint and they’ve cut me off/shunned me.

    I don’t think they would have had any better luck than I did with the small, weird selection I was only allowed to pick from.

  6. My mother? Absolutely fucking not! My father? Also absolutely not with the caveat that they might have the same interests as me should this be the case – but still no there’s no fucking way.

  7. Lol. They helped pick the first one. Friends of the family. They adored him. He was an abusive ass. I divorced him after five years.

    I picked the second. They had serious reservations.

    We’ve been happily married for almost 29 years.

    So that’s a hard no.

  8. My parents are staunch Christians. I, on the other hand, believe in sex before marriage. You can see how that wouldn’t work out.

  9. Lol no. Hell no. Absolutely not. They have the worst taste and I’d have ended up married and divorced before 20.

  10. My parents have pretty good judgment of people, but I don’t think either of them would have picked my nerdy, awkward husband as the one for me. They love him and all, and we’ve been happy together for 25+ years. But they would not have suspected that we’d be such a good match.

  11. Eh. Maybe. I can’t imagine a situation where they would know an available man my age (we’re an antisocial family, my parents do not have friends at all really), but my mom has found the same people I’ve liked in the past appealing. She was dying for me to date this guy from my high school who worked at the gym I went to back then. I never told her, but I had a huge crush on him, too.

  12. Never.

    My mom would pick someone super religious, a “good Catholic boy”. Since I hate the religion I grew up in…. No thanks.

    My dad would probably pick someone who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol.

  13. ideally I would choose my own partner but I’m very close to my parents, especially my mom to the point she knows what kind of partner I’m looking for and who i would like. we’ve talked about it many times before. i think they would make a decent choice but probably not my ideal partner as they are more conservative and traditional christian chinese parents and there are things I like in my partner that they may not see as ideal

  14. I wouldn’t have them pick him, but if they really hated him then I would take that as a sincere red flag

  15. No, because my parents cannot predict who I will or won’t develop romantic feelings for.

  16. Given the other 20 responses, thus far, I’m gonna be in the minority.

    The question is would *I trust my parents to choose a partner* and my answer would be Yes. I come from a cultural upbringing that actually does this though. My parents know me well. They know my habits and dislikes. I trust my parents

    Would I want them too? No. Also they aren’t choosing for me either.

  17. No way. Every relationship my mom has ever had was a fucking trainwreck, starting with my dad.

  18. No. I would be single forever because they don’t think anyone is good enough for me 😂

  19. My mom set me up on a blind date recently. I am in my 40s. Contrary to what I thought of him when we first met, I actually really like him! I’m curious to see where this goes

  20. My mother couldn’t do much worse than I did. I’d give her a chance, yes.

  21. No. Hard pass.
    My dad left when I was little. He was an alcoholic ass so he wouldn’t have a say at all since the man hasn’t made a single good decision in his life other than leaving (which was awful but still turned out to be the best for me).
    And a hard no when it comes to my mother as well since she and I aren’t that close either. She has very different opinions and beliefs than I do and whilst I try to find a way to understand her and her point of view, she doesn’t even attempt looking at life from my point of view. I’ve found peace in distancing myself from my family so I’m totally cool with how it is right now.

    So no, I wouldn’t trust them to pick my partner. I chose my current partner myself and am very happy I did so. Love the guy to bits 🙂

  22. No. Cause they dont know parts of who i am so theyld never be able to pick the right person for me. Plus, i dont believe in arranged marriages. The only reason to get married is love

  23. Yes honestly. My mom has been right in picking out red flags in my old friends and in my ex. She’s a tough woman who takes no bullshit.

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