My wife is entering her third trimester with twins and just isn’t up for sex. She’ll also be having a C-section and obviously there will be recovery time for that after the surgery and then the babies will be here which will also be a limiting factor. She’s cool with me getting a Fleshlight for the time being but I know nothing about it. Without being a fuckin weirdo, can any men give me a summary of what to expect? I appreciate the input.

  1. Lovesense Nora (Im sure that’s the name)

    Reason – its good, its interactive AND you can include your wife. She can control the action of it from an app on the phone.

  2. I have attended an online event where people basically sent each other a present anonymously over Christmas. I was sent a fleshlight type vibrator thingy.

    Can’t recommend. It’s just a mess to clean up, feels lifeless and sometimes pretty uncomfortable. Hand is your best weapon of choice.

  3. May as well get one and get used to it. Her having a C section and then twins on top of it. You are in for the long haul until she feels like PIV again.

  4. They make a 4″ “travel” version that is open-ended on both sides so you don’t need to worry about the size of it or you.

    I like it. It’s not the “real deal” but feels better than a hand with some lube. Plus it’s fun to work into the bedroom sometimes.

  5. Hand works just as good, but fleshlight feels better and usually gets the job done quicker. There’s a lot to choose from, all of them will give you the desired results. Mine was $20 and gets used maybe twice a year since I’ve owned it. Lube is beneficial.

  6. there are less expensive alternatives. I have found that the FL is a bit too cumbersome to deal with. the lube and the cleanup have to be considered. however I went into a “toy” store for adults where I was able to voice my concerns. the attendant listened to my concerns and she suggested a smaller unit that worked just as well and cost about half as much.

  7. It feels good, not quite comparable to the real thing but better than your hand, helps stave off the dreaded death grip too.
    You can warm them up before use with warm water but I’ve found it’s not really worth the extra effort.

    It does come with the flaw of being a pain in the arse to clean after every use, not just the toy but all the lube too.
    Doesn’t take long but is more effort than throwing a tissue away.
    There are varying types too, some you can just turn inside out to wash when you are done, I find they are less of a hassle and less risk of leaving them in plain sight while I wait for them to dry.

  8. I have one, I got it after experiencing ED with partners and realized I had death grip.

    It’s definitely significantly better than regular whacking off. It feels pretty realistic, but you have to use your imagination. I mean, I’m not an idiot, I’m not reverse-cowgirl fucking Emily Willis, I’m holding a black cylinder. So you have to close your eyes and fantasize to get there.

    Cleaning it is not really a big deal, you just rinse it out in the sink for 30 sec and let it air dry. It’s kind of embarrassing carrying this cum-dripping chunk of plastic over to the sink post-nut, and then you need a discreet place to leave it to air-dry for several hours. You also need to use lots of lube, so be prepared to either buy a huge quantity of it or pay for it regularly, if that sort of thing would be embarrassing. But the problems are mostly psychological, in practice it’s pretty easy.

    It’s cold inside. They sell extra products to warm it up, and hey maybe that’s worth it, it probably feels all the more realistic. I couldn’t bring myself to spend any more money on whacking off than I already had, but if you’re trying to maximize the experience it will probably be worth it to you.

    Overall, it’s a pretty damn good way to whack off. I think you’ll like it.

  9. My dude they are fucking amazing. Like you will blow loads like never before and your legs will shake. They are glorious. However, they require a lot of cleaning and tending to. You go from violently orgasming to the shame of cleaning your own spooge out of a fake vagina. There is no honor in this action and the crippling reality that you just fucked a piece of plastic always sets on, always.

  10. Best friend got one via the wife bought it. Loved it. He preferred it over all sex except BJs

  11. I had one. It was OK, def better than hands, worse than a woman but got the job done.

    I will caution you that if you are a tad larger you need to take that into account. I’m not huge, but the one I had, if I wasn’t careful the tip would connect with the plastic in the back.

    It does require a lot of cleaning, which was the major downside.

  12. My wife and I buy sex stuff fairly often. We got a flesh light once as a free gift. Had zero interest in it. Wife wanted to use it in me and the size of the inside or hole, whatever it’s called was fuckin minuscule. It was as much of a piece of shit as I figured it would be

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