Tradition is to take the groom out and get wasted the night before and make sure he’s there at the podium before the bride shows up on wedding day.

  1. That really depends on the wedding, but in general, stick close by and help out where needed.

    Some of the more traditional things would be the bachelor party, making sure they have fun but don’t get too shitty, take care of the rings, and give a speech at the ceremony.

  2. Plan the bachelor party, write the speech for the wedding, don’t lose the ring. Anything more and the groom is upright imo.

  3. Give speeches, give toasts, and fend off any nay sayers. Preferably with a sword. I recommend a rapier.

  4. I was a co-best man at my brother’s wedding.

    My duties – if I had been willing to take on all the duties, – were to arrange with all the other guys where we wanted to take him for his bachelor party, figure out how much time we would have at each place we went to – we took him go-karting, then reballing (rubber ball paintballing, basically), and I think also playing soccer – and make sure we collected the correct shares of the total cost from everyone other than my brother, the bachelor. As well as to come up with a speech that would start out as a roast but gradually move towards wishes of a happy future for the bride and groom.

    The speech part is where I let someone else take the wheel, as I had social anxiety and bad memories of speaking in front of a crowd.

    I think occasionally the best man and best woman will also be in charge of handing over the rings, but I know there is also a Ringbearer role that often one of the children would be assigned, so I’m a little unsure on whether the Ringbearer also hands over the rings to the bride and groom, or if the Ringbearer hands them over to the best man and woman for them to hand over to the bride and groom. I’d recommend you look it up online to get a clearer answer to that.

  5. Usually…plan the bachelor party, give a toast at the reception, have the rings for the bride and groom (most people don’t trust the ring bearer to actually carry the rings). Those are the main things I remember.

  6. The most important duty of a Best Man is to make sure without fail that the groom EATS!!!! At the wedding. I’ve been to so many weddings where the groom could not get food because of what was happening.

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