I am 23(M) and have a really hard time picking up cues from girls. After few days or months or even year I decipher, man she was maybe into me. I have never been into a relationship. Never kissed a girl (or guy not that I want to anyways) you know where I am with my VCard . I am Plus size and have stammering, have had body image & low steam issues for long time which I have worked on during the pandemic but still meeting some new peeps esp girls triggers it for no good reason. I am good with fashion, a bit humorous and I hope to get into something serious and not just for sex and brag about it like my friends.

I want advice regarding How can I improve my skills for flirting and having a good conversation.
I am good at conversation with guys tbh but with girls it becomes wired for no good reason.

P.S. Don’t ask me to go touch grass many have already asked me to do that so you won’t be adding anything!

Also how to be okay with being a virgin where your friends have a sexually active life and like to brag about it and makes you feel bad about being a Virgin?

  1. What do you personally believe are cues of interest? Let’s see if you already know. Maybe you know but you’re just not getting them yet

  2. From the look of it, u may have communication issue with women due to low self esteem, so try to fix tat. Also understand, women are just regular ppl so dont put them on this holy pedestal. If u have problem talking to girls in general, my advice is to just have friendly convo with workers when shopping. Practice! Practice!

    >Also how to be okay with being a virgin where your friends have a sexually active life and like to brag about it and makes you feel bad about being a Virgin?

    Here’s the thing, sex is just sex. These ppl who brag about it aren’t really getting any. Other words, dont think you’re less than them b/c you’re still a vanilla.

    >How to look for cues & actually flirt and hold a conversation?

    When approaching a new girl, look at their body languages. Do they look at u a lot. Are they constantly in your personal space. Do they even look like they want to be approach? To make it simple, what do u do when you’re interested in someone?

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