Ladies what are the best things to keep in mind when you’re in the dating phase?

  1. Don’t rush. Take it slow. When he shows you who he is, believe him the first time.

  2. Don’t focus too much on whether they like you. Consider if you actually like them.

  3. Accept who they are as a person. The two of you should never compromise your individual interests, personalities, and qualities just so you stay together. When you do that you lose sight of who each of you are and what the relationship means for you. Learn how to embrace their quirks and flaws.

    It’s also important to be open and honest with them about what you want out of a relationship such as marriage and kids so that you don’t waste each other’s time if you simply don’t have the same goals.

  4. Believe him when he says he is not looking for something serious. Do not try to make someone like you. Communicate what you want early on.

  5. Put up some boundaries early in the relationship and watch how they respond to them.

  6. You won’t fix him, nor should you be the one to fix him. And yes, definitely don’t rush, but also don’t wait so long to see if he will change and become the man you imagine him to be.

  7. I always try to remember “If he lies about little things he’ll lie about the big things” in the back of my mind.

  8. Pay attention to how he treats other people when he’s with you. Guys that are rude and/or pushy will end up treating you that way eventually. Guys that are flirty in front of you will most likely be the ones to cheat on you.

  9. Don’t be 100% focused on whether they like you or you meet their standards. Pay attention to whether YOU like and are impressed with them.

  10. Keep your options open. Until a man commits to you, play the field and find your best option.

  11. I do my best to continue my life as much my own as possible. I am one to tend to rush things and want to change that.

  12. Be honest about what you want. Know you deserve to be treated with respect and if something feels off, trust your gut!

  13. Don’t rush and don’t take it personal if they end up being not interested after a few dates. I used to really internalize it if I got rejected, sometimes I still do, but just remember that this is how dating goes and stay confident in yourself. You’re not meant for everyone to like, and everyone isn’t meant for you to like either.

  14. Remember that all men want sex. Is that what you want ? Is he manipulative in trying to get what he wants? How long are you comfortable making him wait for it and what are the expectations after he gets what he wants?

  15. That’s its just the dating phase. Yall aren’t in a relationship yet. Move accordingly

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