Been in an abusive relationship for over a decade and after leaving, surprise, I now have the sex drive of a teenager (which I thought was just lost to the world). I’m not ready to get into another relationship until I do some extensive therapy, but I feel like a one night stand would release the last remnants of a grip he’s had on me and help me get my power back, if that makes sense. I’m on Tinder and have a date lined up, would appreciate any tips on how to go about navigating a one night stand- how to communicate what you want, how to make sure they’re going to be the right person based on the date, safety tips, etc. or anyone that’s done this after getting out of a toxic sh*tty situation, how’d it go/ how’d you feel after?

  1. Just make sure you ask for your partner to do a full check up, same for yourself. To avoid STDs

  2. I’m glad you could end a toxic relationship! Congratulations!

    See how the date goes. I know you’re horny, but, be vigilant to see for any red flags like him doing weird talk, wrong touch.. you know what I mean!

    If you’re going to have sex, try booking a hotel or something. At this point , it’s not safe to meet at your place or his.

    Use protection.

    Most importantly, have a great time

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