Title says it all! I just moved to a new city for law school and I don’t know anybody here (so this is really asking for both dating advice and general social advice). Long story short, I happened to run into another girl who lives here. She was really cute and she told me her APT number, but she seemed to be in a rush so we couldn’t talk much. She mentioned having a friend who lives in the building as well.

Maybe it’s the loneliness talking, but I’d like to try and hang with her and her friend at some point, maybe pursue something if it’s there. The problem is that I don’t know when I’ll run into her again. I had thought about either trying to put a note in her mailbox or under her door with my number and something like “would love to hang out sometime”… but I’m hesitant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

1 comment
  1. I say put the note in her mailbox. If she responds, great. If she doesn’t, oh well.

    Be sure to include your apartment number and/or phone number as well. I know that’s obvious but you’d be surprise by how many people wouldn’t. Oh, and make sure you note that you’re the guy she bumped into whenever you two ran into one another.

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