(F18) So, there’s this girl… We’ve had an on and off thing for about 2 years now… Never unclothed things… just kissing and cuddling.

I think she wants more, but I’ve never been inside of another girl’s pants.. What if I “mess up”.. I mean, It’ll be her first time too, but what if I can’t meet her expectations?

I have a “plan” in a sense, but as most of y’all know, plans don’t always go as planned..

I really do like this girl, and I want her in my life as a partner. I’m just scared.

Any advice for a first timer, such as myself? Should I do what I personally would like or..? I’m scared y’all hahaha.

  1. I’m not a first timer and I’m a guy. But maybe just pretend your exploring yourself? Ask her what she likes? Good luck!

  2. Well, it should be easier than your first time with a man since you know how it works

  3. Well you mostly know what to do but communication is indeed key! Relax and treat it more like a chill bonding experience with a female friend, not a high stakes encounter with a guy.

    There’s nothing as magical as your first with another girl, have fun 🙂

  4. You really can’t “mess up” as long as you’re trying and communicating and all that. I was nervous before my first same-sex sex too (which was also my first any sex), but in the moment, it all happened so naturally.

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