So I’ve been talking to this girl (internet friend) for a while now, we’ve been talking to each other every day for the past few weeks. We’ve known
each other for a little over two years, but we didn’t talk this much.

Here’s what bothers me…recently we had a conversation about how we feel about each other, and the feelings are mutual. (We both like each other) but the thing is she lives in another state.
(About 2 1/2 hour flight) We have not met each other in real life yet but we plan to take a trip together next month.

I need help, I honestly don’t know what I should do, I really like this girl (and she likes me) I haven’t felt this way about someone in a couple of years. I
always told myself I wouldn’t do a long distance relationship because you don’t get to see your
partner as much as you want…and also more trust is required.
But then again I’m not 100% sure.

Would love to here your guys thoughts/inputs on my situation! Thanks.

1 comment
  1. It really really depends on how you both are as people.

    For example, I’m a very physical person, long-distance would never work for me if it meant not seeing the other person *at least* twice a month so I don’t even consider it as an option. But I’ve got a small amount of friends that started as a long-distance relationship and it worked out for them, eventually.

    Like you’ve said as well it requires A LOT of trust which most of the time ends up being the breaking up reason – one partner gets too jealous or just too controlling and etc.

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