So this is a complicated situation. My roommate and I just resigned our lease for another year. However it’s under her name and I’m listed as an occupant instead of a tenant. The problem is, there’s been a lot of tension between us lately. To my knowledge there’s no reason but a few examples is: she never speaks to me anymore, doesn’t say hi unless I say it first, when I try hold a conversation she’ll give one word answers and won’t make eye contact, also if I’m outside in the kitchen she’ll stay in her room and if I come home and she’s in the kitchen, as soon as she sees me she’ll take whatever she was doing and move back to her room. So obviously there’s a problem cause this is a recent development. I’ve tried asking her many times if there’s an issue (and if there is and I’ve done something to annoy her, she must let me know so I can stop) but every time I ask she always says no so I can’t do much more. At this point it’s pissing me off now to cause she won’t communicate with me and I can’t live like this so I want to move out. But like I said we already signed for another year and even tho I’m an occupant so I could move out whenever, I don’t want to be an asshole and just…like…leave ya know? And leave her to scramble with rent and finding another roommate. My problem is I am scared of confronting people (I’m trying to work on not being such a pushover) and so does anyone have any advice on how to go about this?:/

1 comment
  1. I would also like to mention that other contributing factors to me wanting to move out is that she never cleans, never does dishes (one they were in the sink for two weeks piled up high and ALL were hers) which at first wasn’t an issue cause I knew she had work and school so barely anytime to relax so I was happy to do it. But now school is finished for her (not me so I’m pretty busy) and she sits at home in her room all day. Like obvs I don’t expect her to do all but once in a while would be nice. Basically there’s alot of passive aggressiveness going around and I’m sick of it.

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