What’s an interesting job/career to have as a man?

  1. I enjoy working with diesel equipment. Not sure how many others think it is interesting, but i realy enjoy it.

  2. I’m an archaeologist. It’s pretty interesting. I’ve got to go to a lot of neat places.

  3. A job that pays me enough that I have a work/life balance and allows me to be more than just my job title

  4. MLB baseball player I’m guessing is the best gig. Make a whole lot of money, and don’t get your brain knocked out of place like football

  5. I’m applying for a job as a formulation chemist in an explosive manufacturer. I think that should be a blast

  6. Whatever makes you happy.

    It does not matter what you do. What matters is that YOU find it interesting. Because if you’re interested in something, you want to learn more about it. You want to get better at it.
    That way you can grow and develop yourself

    If you don’t care about your job, then it becomes a mind-numbing experience and it’ll be the death of a lot of joy in your life

  7. Define interesting. I used to work at a gay club as a male bartender…i was hit on all the time, that was interesting but i’m not gay.

  8. It is probably easiest to list which jobs are NOT interesting. But there are people out there who find accounting interesting, so it’s probably a fruitless question.

  9. i’m in accounting/finance. not everyone finds it interesting. i do but to the regular person their mind shuts off or they go straight to asking if i could do their taxes.

    i always thought jobs that have you constantly travelling as interesting, but i did small stint of going hotel to hotel for like a month and it’s incredibly tiring and i never could feel relaxed.

    now a days, anything incredibly niche i find interesting. especially jobs that most people don’t know about or there is a highly technical aspect. i like learning about those jobs and those people often don’t get to explain their field in a “talking-shop” like manner outside of their industry.

  10. Don’t do something other people find interesting, do something that you find interesting.

  11. Surgeon. I’m a med student, one of my professors fixes valves in people’s hearts for a living. He’s so fucking good at, I’d trust him with my heart, literally.

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