I think she likes me, but I did creepy things like stalking her. I think that’s the reason why she doesn’t unblock me. How I still got her to like me is because even though I stalked her, I sent her the sweetest, most lovely and nicest things. How I know she likes me is because she lives along with me on her social media feed as she’s a influencer.

Now this whole situation along with some other things has made me depressed. I wanna make up for me stalking her as I still see a possibility in us coming together. But I think it’s best to not do anything at this point and wait for her reaction? (She knows I’m depressed)

  1. Dude, you ARE a creep.
    Nothings screams more creep than the shit you just wrote here.

    Leave her alone.

  2. You’re confused, making things up in your mind like stalkers do, she’s not interested, leave her alone.

  3. You need help. And I mean that genuinely, I think you need to seek out therapy. None of this is ok. I’ve read your previous posts too. You are stalking and harassing a woman who is not interested in you.

    I know that sometimes hurts to hear but she doesn’t like you. She has you blocked. You are looking for messages and signs that are not there to condone your behaviour. If she liked you or your messages she would unblock you and speak to you. You’ve became delusional. The things she posts on social media are more than likely nothing at all to do with you and you are linking them because you want it to be true.

    Leave her alone.

    Stop contacting her, stop checking her socials, go full cold turkey. It may be tough but this is damaging your mental health and probably hers. I’ve been in a similar position to her and honestly it’s scary. STOP. It’s never going to go how you want it, I’m sorry. In fact the most likely outcome if you continue is you will be arrested for stalking and harassment or she will file a restraining order.

    Get professional help, respect boundaries and move on.

  4. What exactly makes you think she likes you?

    Also what makes you think you deserve to be with her after being such an absolute creep?

  5. **INFORMATION**: the girl he likes is a Instagram influencer that has his number entirely blocked and has him blocked on all social media. The behaviour he’s interpreting as liking him back is her posting about flowers and happy stuff.

    This guy is actually disconnected from reality, this isn’t even an insult he’s already had two episodes of psychosis and I think this is another form of delusion.

  6. Your post history is so disturbing

    i can only think of Stan by Eminem reading it

  7. You are stalking her and you are clinically delusional. You really think she is replying to your creepy messages on her main IG instead of replying via DM- that is delusional.

    She does not like you. Just because you do “sweet” things for someone, does not mean they like you back.

    She really should get a restraining order against you, and I’m 1000% sure there is medication you should be taking that you’re not.

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