I thought I’ll share some of the reasons why people unmatch others without notice:
– One word answers, doesn’t ask questions: shows that you’re uninterested
– Texts for weeks but doesn’t make an effort to meet up: if we’ve been chatting for weeks and even started to talk about a date but you haven’t made an effort to actually ask me out I’ll think that you are just looking for a pen pal, we won’t have anything to talk about at the date. I’d recommend asking the person out after a week or so
– Making things sexual too early: hold back the winky emoji, it’s extremely creepy
– Talks about the ex all the time: just no, get some therapy and an iced latte
– Misleading as to his intentions: if you want a hook up just be honest and don’t lead people on
– Takes days to respond: you clearly don’t have time for people.

  1. Another one: Only talking about themselves (goes together with your first point).

  2. Don’t forget the “matches but doesn’t talk.” One as well. That’s pretty much what I got all the time from people, it was beyond pathetic. Match comes up, they don’t say a word for a week and I’d just unmatch.

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