Have you ever received one as a gift? What did you think of it? What did you do with it? How did you get rid of it?

  1. Yeah, in high school I got one. Broke up with bf and had this giant reminder of him that other guys saw when dating me. It was weird so I threw it in the trash.

  2. I had a giant stuffed bear before but I don’t really remember what I did with it. I bought it for myself at Walmart and it was like $10. I think I gave it to goodwill.

  3. They’re cute and I loved mine when I had it. But I ended up getting rid of it after I broke up with my boyfriend because it was a massive reminder if who gave it to me lol.

  4. My cousins kid cut open the back of hers, took out a little bit of the stuffing, climbed inside, and walked around the neighborhood to annoy their Karen neighbors.

    Aside from that hilarious incident, I think they’re dumb af.

  5. I had 2 teddies that I remember growing up. One was a gift and the other was a family toy handed down. The gifted one I’m pretty sure I donated, and the second I gave to my cousin since he wants kids eventually so it can still be kept in the family.

    I now have a large tiger that my husband gave to me while we were dating. I love it, but it just sits in the closet nowadays so it’s out of the way. There’s really no proper place to keep it so that it’s on display but also out of the way of daily life because he’s so big, which is a shame.

  6. I got 2 in the same week from different guys. I donated them both. Giant wastes of space for me. I don’t want it in my bed, because that’s my space and I’m almost certainly going to push it off while I’m asleep. Everywhere I could put it, it’ll be in the way.

  7. Received two as gifts. Cute, but not practical lol. I out grew them and no longer wanted them

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