From someone who has been called the nicest person in the world, those same people choose to target and also bully me along with plenty of others. My question is, why is this happening? Why me? Someone who is kind & generous to everyone I meet, someone who puts others before myself. Why am I being put through this living hell? It’s made life very miserable for me

  1. It’s because people tend to look down on people who are different from them in some way to make themselves feel better. If you want it to stop find other people to talk to and ignore those people or let loose your pent up feeling on them. It may make them think twice about their actions

  2. Because they detect some degree of inferiority on you, and bully you as a way to prevent you from engaging in the herd. It’s nothing more than “natural selection” doing it’s thing.

    I’m sorry but that’s just how nature works, and there is absolutely nothing to do to change that. So either find a grout of other outcasts to interact with or live as an angry and sad person full of frustations who is jeaolous of popular and succesful people even though they are not worthy of said success.

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