I’m not the type of woman to brag about how “I don’t get along with girls” and “men make better friends” because I think that’s bullshit and internalized misogyny. I avoid male friendships like the plaque. I don’t want to be friends with men because I don’t have anything in common with them. Plus, most men usually want more than a friendship with me.

When I looked back at my early to mid 20s, I realized that a majority (not all) of the women that I was either friends with or I wanted to be friends with me didn’t really like me too much (or even outright hated me with a passion). I was bullied and put down by a few women in college too (a few that I thought were my friends) and even cyberbullied by some of them (them screenshoting my pictures on Snapchat).

I assumed that the women bullied and hated me because of my lackluster social skills, so I decided to improve my looks and social skills. This didn’t change a thing (it even got worse when it came to certain women from my old schools). I do notice that although men don’t seem to have an issue with me approaching them at social events, I have a hard time making conversation with other women. Some women would ignore me or talk to me in a monotone like voice (making it obvious that they don’t want to talk to me). I find it hurtful.

Before anyone says that it’s because I don’t have anything in common with other women, that’s not true. I share similar interests with other women such as pole dancing (formerly), shopping, beauty, fashion, concerts, traveling, parties, and going out for brunch. I always open Instagram and feel sad and envious when women have glamorous birthdays with their nice yachts/AirBnbs. I never really was a part of a girl’s night out nor a girls’ only birthday celebration. I really wish I was a girl’s girl.

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