I’ve been on 6 dates with this guy 27m (i am 25f) for the past 7 weeks, I think we have strong chemistry but we have had no physical contact except for hugs. We do really fun stuff and spend 4-6hrs on our dates.

I’ve been wanting to kiss him, I kinda feel that he is feeling shy to do it cuz I catch him staring at my lips a lot at random moments..last time as we were hugging in his car he was lingering longer but I just felt shy to do the move even though I felt it was the right thing to do..

Should I just kiss him on the cheeks first? He is quite tall so I can’t just go for it, 6’3” and I am only 5’4”..what should I say?

For reference, he is Finnish and I am a foreigner. I understand we may have different dating customs but I want him to know that I like him already but not for him to feel that I am rushing. He is real genuine.

  1. 6 dates is excessive. You can ask why he hasn’t kissed you yet in a flirty way. That’ll probably give him some confidence.

  2. Go for it! Really sounds like it’ll be the right move.

    You can even suggest it in some casual way, like “I would like to kiss you but I’m too shy”

  3. He may be uncomfortable with making the first move, he may be concerned that he would appear creepy or pushy, etc.

    Regardless, you’ve made it through six dates, so if you’re ready to move forward, taking initiative isn’t a poor idea

  4. Why don’t u do it? Why do u wanna wait for him? Ask him if it’s ok for u to kiss him and go for it. The odds are ridiculously in your favour lol. I think he might be thinking if he went for it, he would be perceived as being creepy

  5. In a jokey way, Finns are known for their strict adherence to personal space. One wonders how they have children.

    Yeah, at the start of your date give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. That should be informal enough so as to not seem weird but also give prescience for kissing. Also are you two officially a couple? He may not want to kiss on the lips until then. If you are completely certain you both think so, just go ahead and kiss him.

    There are people who view kissing on the lips to be a Simi-sexual act, and thus will save it for marriage. Long shot, but a possibility that is not zero. So, while in the next date ask him about it all.

  6. In a jokey way, Finns are known for their strict adherence to personal space. One wonders how they have children.

    Yeah, at the start of your date give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. That should be informal enough so as to not seem weird but also give prescience for kissing. Also are you two officially a couple? He may not want to kiss on the lips until then. If you are completely certain you both think so, just go ahead and kiss him.

    There are people who view kissing on the lips to be a Simi-sexual act, and thus will save it for marriage. Long shot, but a possibility that is not zero. So, while in the next date ask him about it all.

  7. Do eeeet. He’s probably being respectful or unsure of dating customs. Do it or forever wish you had. The most that could happen is that he rejects you…if that happens, move along.
    Please kiss him. 😁

  8. You posted this exact question two weeks ago and received the same answer you’re receiving now: yes, do kiss him.

  9. Trust me boys love it when girls make the 1st move
    As u described ur dates he would respect ur moves….

  10. All you had to do was mention he was Finnish! I think this might be a cultural difference. He might’ve definitely wanted to kiss you early on but from my knowledge… some Finnish people can be more reserved, quiet, and shy.

  11. Yes. Speaking as a guy who was on the other side of this situation, it’s difficult to know how much escalation a woman is okay with because the consequences of getting that wrong can be disastrous. So I prefer her making it clear. The last girl I was with kissed me first on the 4th date. And I loved it.

  12. I mean I was the one who initiated the first kiss with my boyfriend. I kind of just looked at him for a second and then pulled him closer to me. He got the hint. Worst case scenario, your man doesn’t pick it up and you just have to ask him.

  13. Go for it – It’s true about the cultural difference. Swedish guys are very prone to allowing the girl to initiate physical contact.

  14. Go for it. Or if you want to encourage him to make the first move set him up for it.

    When hugging goodbye when he reaches in grab him sweetly with your arms and hold him at close distance.

    Stare into his eyes, move your lips, and lean forward.

  15. GIRL IF YOU DONT GRAB HIM BY THE COLLAR LIKE THIS IS A FUCKIN HALLMARK MOVIE I WILL DIE. Kiss that man. Plus he might think it’s hot if you make that move, good luck OP ✨💕🧡

  16. This is one reason why it sucks for guys to do everything. Most guys gotta plan the dates , pay for them, make all advances and entertain. Like give my guy freakin bone here 😂

  17. Personally i’d say go for it! (i’m 6’4 and this has worked for a woman shorter than you asking me)

    It’s very attractive for a woman to make the first move, just my opinion.

    I’m a shy dude (even though my profile here may show otherwise lmao) but 6+ dates and no kiss?!?! Even I would have gone for a kiss after the second date absolute latest or i’d think it’s going nowhere but a friendship.

  18. I went on a date last April with a girl and it was amazing but at the end of the night it didn’t feel right to kiss her so as we said goodbye and I turned to go to my car she was just left standing there and she said “are you not gonna kiss me?” That turned into our first kiss. We’re getting married in November this year…

  19. You should act first, I mean at this point I’d say it’s safer than ever!

  20. If he is a quiet shy guy then yes. I am the same way and I get scared when I think about it🥲

  21. Smooch dat poor mafucker!!! Its the absolute best when a women takes charge/ makes the first move. don’t tell him you’re in, show him!

  22. Girrrrrrl, kiss him. Tons of guys are shy/awkward to make the first move. I made the first move on my now husband. If he has waited this long he’s probably been over thinking the “perfect move”. Set both of y’all’s minds at ease. Like others have said if that’s to uncomfortable for you, you could just say something like “you look like you want to kiss me” or “should we kiss?” Add your own flair/spice to something like that.

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