what is something you really wanted in life and regretted soon after having it?

  1. I wanted to be a journalist since I was little. I remember being 6 and thinking how cool it would be to be paid to write.

    I did a 6 week internship at a local daily and it hit me like a ton of bricks how much I hated it. I love to write, but anything you do all day, every day, becomes a job. It was soul crushing to realize that the content didn’t even really matter. It was all just about filling space.

    They offered me a part time job once the internship was done. I politely declined. I work a boring office job now, but having my work and my writing separate saved my sanity.

  2. To be a teacher. I had that dream since I was a 5.

    Became one and quickly realized how under-payed and under-valued we are in the field. I love teaching kids but the kindness of heart will simply not pay the bills or maintain my mental health.

    I wouldn’t’ say I regretted it, because I loved the families and students I worked with, but I definitely got slapped with reality that Education/Childcare is one of the worst fields to work in because you will not be compensated for the passion and workload you take on and give out.

    I have never been so quickly burnt out than I have in that field and I am sad that something that was great at face value was such a stressful experience.

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