I’m a 24 year old female. I went on a first date last night. He was absolutely gorgeous, funny, smart and British (which I have a weakness for lol) had a great time.

He said he’s been on a date with a guy before and they kissed. It’s definitely different for me because usually I date guys that are just very into women (or I guess just haven’t explored their sexuality that way). But hey maybe this is a nice change that a guy is more comfortable with his sexuality and has at least explored it to know what he’s into or not into.

I’m just not really sure how I feel, will I ever fully satisfy a man that has had interest in other men before? I do somewhat feel more secure going into something with someone that has explored any curiosities they have had but it’s just very different for me!
Should I maybe resurface the topic for another date to see where he’s at now with his sexuality? Or If he’s still curious with men?

  1. I’m a straight male and Ive dated women who’ve dated/slept with women before. If anything I think I liked it since finding women attractive was another thing we had in common and potentially discuss or bond over.

  2. Bisexual people get bias from both the straight and the queer communities and it is totally unfair.

    You’re female and are attracted to men—lots of men, I imagine. If you’re with one man you love you aren’t going to leave him for all the other men who are just as attractive as they were when you were single. It’s not different for bi people. If he’s with you, he’ll be attracted to other people but he’ll be faithful to you because people straight/gay/bi/etc are monogamous by choice. Being attracted to more than one gender does not make you more likely to cheat. It does not make you greedy. It does not mean you can’t be happy with one gender because you want the other. These are ALL deeply harmful bisexual stereotypes that are based on myths not truth.

    Be thankful that this guy is honest and open and secure enough in who he is to have told you all of this—he didn’t have to tell you anything. And then treat him just like any other person. Don’t be biphobic and buy into stereotypes and don’t tank this potential relationship out of fear and insecurity.

  3. They’ve likely dated women as well. We all have a past, good, bad, or indifferent. If he’s into you, what’s the problem?

  4. It’s 2022, no issue there! But I would just ask on another time if that was a one time thingy or if he is bi or something else. It’s the same as a guy going on a date with a girl and she tells him she has kissed a girl. He is being straightforward with you which is a good thing. Not many guys would admit that they have kissed another dude. I would just keep on going on dates with him to see how it goes! Best of luck!

  5. Find out which his preference is. I’ve talked to this guy who is bisexual but mentioned a stronger preference for women. 10/10 experience.

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