What was it like to dump an ex? Did you regret it?

  1. Short-term relationships (under 6 months), not hard at all. No ties, not enough emotional or financial investment, no shared liabilities, easy to tell it’s not working for out save the trouble now than wait.

    Long-term relationships (2+ years), I’ve dumped my previous two. The first one was easiest because we just fell apart so gradually over time. Also became an amicable breakup, so we both cooperated separating everything out, had a few more rounds of sex, wished one-another well, and went our separate ways. She was a good woman and I wish her so much happiness and success in her new life. Most recent ex…it’s been hell. Even separating simple liabilities turns into days-long processes because she doesn’t want to cooperate. We have to keep an open line of communication for the residual things and while there’s not enough to really call it harassment, she’s being stubborn in not accepting that it’s over.

    I do regret both. I regret the first one because I didn’t realize how much of a keeper she was if I had actually tried to salvage it, based off of my experience with my current ex. My current ex I regret it because at least I wouldn’t have to be dealing with this headache if I didn’t break up with her.

  2. Felt empty. She cheated, I found out after she tried to deny it and then she blamed it on me for going through a rough patch in life (lost career and home). At this point I just wanted the clusterf*ck to unravel and start rebuilding, someone I cannot trust has no place in that so I ended it.

    Did I regret it? No, because even though things got back on track for me after a while this is some kind of trust you cannot rebuild. My time is better spent on and my love better invested in someone who is loyal and less materialistic.

  3. It sucks. Even if you’re sick of them and they deserve it, it sucks. You’ll feel better after, but the act itself sucks ass.

    I’ve never regretted breaking up with anyone

  4. I regret the ever living fuck out of it….

    I don’t miss anyone like I miss her and it fucking burns.

  5. Dumping my last ex was a total relief. It was a horrible mental abusive relationship and she treated me like fucking dirt. She had me convinced that I wouldn’t function and would amount to nothing without her. Kept me in debt so I couldn’t control my money but she was slowly increasing my debt to instill the fact that I need her to clear it. Finally built the courage to do a runner from her.
    Ended up in a relationship with a friend I’ve had for 12 years who helped me build my life back. We cleared all my debt saved up and bought a house together and I honestly couldn’t be happier.

  6. Probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done but it had to be done. I don’t regret it.

  7. I wasn’t feeling the relationship as much as she was and I felt pretty bad because she was upset, but I think it worked out for the best.

  8. It hurt a ton because I still cared about her a lot, but at the same time it was a huge relief because our relationship stressed me out horribly.

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