I’m a 24 year old woman and my boyfriend of 9 years has changed for the worst. He got a house and 3 cars from his family, he is paying them off. He just got a job after not having one for 2 years and I have 2 jobs. Lately he has been drinking more and has been blowing up on me whenever we both get days off. Now it’s gotten fiscal it’s been 4 times now he has came at me. This last time he put me in a choke hold and dragged me to the door. I don’t have a car or anywhere to go. I got pregnant at a young age and lost both of my kids to my foster parents who don’t want anything to do with me. His family has been helping us and now he told me he feels better after hitting me. I’m trying to save some money without him knowing. He is 23 male and I just don’t know what to do. Sorry for misspelled and punctuation. This is a throwaway.

  1. Run.
    This is an abusive relationship, and you need to get away.
    While he is away, take your kids, all important papers regarding you(social service number, birth papers, passports etc.), Clothing for a few days, and go to a Crisis center/shelter for people/women that are being abused.
    You will get help. You just need to flee, so people can help you.

    Edit: sorry, read you had kids, but oversaw they were in care of others.

  2. Your boyfriend is abusive. He enjoys hurting you. You need to leave him. You and your children are not safe with him.

    You need to sort yourself out. Make sure you have reliable contraception (IUD or something no one can tamper with). DO NOT GET PREGNANT WITH THIS GUY (again?). And get yourself on a path where you can be reunited with your children (i.e., adult up, get your shit together so you can be a good mother).

    You should seek help at a domestic violence shelter. You need good job placement and should strongly consider career training so you’re not just working minimum wage dead end jobs.

    More resources here: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/wiki/index/#wiki_abuse_support

  3. You find a women’s shelter and you leave now, never mind saving up money.

    You can get through this and there are people out there ready to help you.

    Once you’re on your own you can start to sort yourself out. It’ll take time and hard work but you’ll get there.

  4. Get out the sooner the better. And work on yourself and other areas of your life.

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