So I have this coworker (ik it sounds bad already) and he’s really attractive to me. He’s super funny and has such a great personality.

But he is with someone. I didn’t know this for two months of first working with each other. Then it slowly came out as he was dating one of my boss’s sisters. I totally stopped any type of flirting.

But I realize more and more that he doesn’t like when I talk to other guys in our age range.

I first noticed this with disgruntled glances when I talked to guys. We work in the food industry so it happens pretty often.

Today though when I talked to a guy we kinda checked each other out ngl but we didn’t say anything. When the guy left my coworker said something along the lines of how he was ugly.

I didn’t really know what to say so I just said that I assumed he would think so.

Now, he didn’t know I was also attracted to women so the other day I was talking to another coworker and said how there’s a pretty woman that comes in the mornings and I’m pretty sure she’s fruity and I might say something to her next time she comes in. He wasn’t happy about this either but I just said it to piss him off even more. More so because two weeks ago he asked his girlfriend to marry him so he has no right to be like this.

What do you think his reasoning is?

1 comment
  1. Maybe he’s just the type of person who just likes getting attention and when the attention is off of him he gets jealous. There are people who are committed to their relationships etc. but being flirted with by other people makes them feel powerful, attractive, he probably likes to flirt back for the fun of it. So I am assuming the reasoning is that he is jealous other people are stealing the perceived spotlight from him.

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