Have you women/men have any luck off of these dating apps? Do you have any advice for finding someone.

  1. Short answer no, long answer probably but most likely no. If your a male you will rarely ever talk to women unless your very attractive and the matches you get will be very pick because of what i say next. On the female side they have a few hundred matches all the time. I recently spoke with one that was very overweight but had over 300 matches and the only reason she responded to me is cause my message stood out, and she still ended up blocking me a week later with no explanation even though we had a deep conversation the day before. Female will have way more options than males and because if that will see many men as replacable if they find one thing wrong. Dating sites are very biased towards women so be prepared to loose a bit self asteem. There are sucess stories but not for the average man. Also dont pay for any premium services, remember they make money only when your single.

  2. hell yeah it works. it’s competitive but as long as you know how to compete it fucking works. check out playingwithfire on youtube

  3. Yes …. Possibly.

    I’m 31M, looks maybe 6 or 6.5, I have a child, divorced.

    I’ve been on and off apps for 3yrs since my divorce. I’ve been on 30~ first dates. Even starting multiple long term relationships (only one at a time of course).

    Yes it can work, sometimes I get no swipes, sometimes I get plenty. Sometimes I get no replies to my messages, sometimes I get plenty. Sometimes I can’t find a date for weeks or months, and there have been times I’ve literally had a 1st date with a women all 7 days of a week.

    Be patient, be good at conversations and redirect “awkward silences”, have a decent bio (mine is simple and sarcastic), have decent pics, and be patient, be patient, be patient.

    First opening messages are also super important. Your message has to catch there eye more than a simple “hi”

  4. I met my bf from a dating app but he was the first one I had a relationship with from a dating app and I’ve used multiple apps for 5 years before him and most people I met with didn’t lead to anywhere and there were a lot of guys who send unsolicited dick pics or will go extra step to sleep with you. Got a guy who literally hit me up for 4 years after he treated me like shit. However when my bf and I matched both of us only have like 2 random selfies and we never really had a conversation before we met in person but we just clicked when we did. I’m really happy with him and I finally know what love feels like now 🙂

  5. Yes, they work – I’m a man – it takes a lot of effort and persistence but they do work.

    Meeting people in public / organically is a great way as well, and you probably have a better shot with the people you do meet, but it’s hard to hit the same number of contacts as online dating.

    I wouldn’t use online dating as your only way to meet people, but certainly a tool in your arsenal.

    Regardless of sex, I would suggest putting actual effort into your photos, having a witty bio, and making sure to converse well (good, researched openers, no one word responses, etc). There is a lot of competition but the bar is pretty low – good luck!

  6. Met my boyfriend last year on Hinge. Honestly I’m happier with him than I’ve ever been with anyone

  7. I live in a small, “offline” town so not really. I get plenty of matches but what’s the point if I can’t meet them.

    Edit: Because they’re always 2-3 hours away from me and I don’t want to drive that far to meet a stranger.

  8. I’ve just started using hinge so I can’t speak for myself yet, but I know a lot of people in real life that have had success with them for long term partners/ spouses.

  9. I have a few friends married from dating apps. They can work but mostly just by introducing you to more people. There’s still a lot of garbage people to sort through before you find anyone compatible.

  10. Lesbian. Dating apps work, for me strangely only with matches who agreed to set up a date pretty much IMMEDIATELY. Almost no texting preceding the date.

    Anyone wanting to “get to know you online first” for days or weeks or months on end, always turned out to have inachievably high standards, lacked the level of trust required to build a healthy relationship because they let past experiences define them, but most of all… THEY WERE JUST SEEKING EASY VALIDATION or THEY HAD FUN SWIPING WHILE DRUNK WITH FRIENDS.

    In my 10 years of OLD experience I’ve *never* had a relationship blossom from a match who refused to plan a real-life date with me within first 10 messages.

  11. Yes, but it took a long time! I was single for 5 years, on and off tinder every month. Finally I swiped on a guy who is incredible. Just from his bio I knew we were compatible. Wanted the same things in life and after one date I knew I had found not only my partner but my best friend. 8 months in and he’s the best thing to ever happen to me.

  12. Depends heavily on where you fall in the following:

    Your gender > what you’re looking for > your effort in making an attractive profile & pictures > your level of actual physical attractiveness > your ability to have positive online interactions

    I’d also add if you can’t get what you want from the opposite gender to save your life in the real world, a dating app won’t help you.

  13. My dude, you have to understand these apps were not built to ‘work’.

    They are designed to keep you single.

    Everytime a happy couple is born they delete the app…that’s lost revenue.

    Secondly, they treat people like a product. Choosing your partner becomes no different to choosing a new vacuum on amazon.

    That’s just not how human beings are designed. We BUILD relationships…not consume them.

  14. I met the best man on Facebook dating.
    Based on others horror stories, I am an outlier. But, there is hope.

  15. Abs my man. Just kidding, you gotta be in shape though. You may not like the idea (lots of men downvoted me for this) but that’s the reality. If you don’t believe it, then find good pics of a random person who has good pics before and after their weight loss and post them on these apps and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    You have to be physically attractive. And being fit is what’s considered being attractive on these apps. It’s as simple as that but not easy for most guys.

  16. I met my gf on tinder, however, I wouldn’t recommend you to use it, unless you wanna have fun w it, don’t take it serious, not at the begginning at least

  17. No luck, specially on the most famous dating apps. 90% fake profiles or without pictures. You can better find someone on TikTok or instagram. That’s it

  18. I think dating apps suck but that being said almost everyone is on a dating app nowadays and I did find my SO on bumble so…. its probably not the norm but occasionally they do work.

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