Recently went from having a normal relationship (seeing each other everyday) to long distance for 3 months, and now back to regular relationship.
There is a very big change that we both noticed that made us awkward around each other at times.

We realized that our emotional connection isn’t that strong. We’re trying our best to work on it, but everything we do isn’t enough.
I constantly have negative thoughts in my head when I’m not with him, but as soon as we each other they go away but I know that our conversation doesn’t run as smooth as before.

Not sure how to make our emotional connection better and it’s killing me inside.

  1. What kind of negative thoughts? Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. I’m sure you both changed when you were apart. You have to figure out how to be together again. Seeing each other everyday is probably too much. You were both so independent and now you’re trying to go back to what it was except everything is different. You should look into some question couple games – like the kind where you take turn asking questions on a deeper level.

  2. I’m in a bad relationship right now that doesn’t have much of an emotional connection. I wish I could take my own medicine too because your situation sounds just like mine. When I’m with my gf things are great, the highs are high. But whenever we aren’t together she is very emotionally distant and doesn’t hold conversations well. She wants me to text her a lot whenever we aren’t together and gives few words responses. I am like a glutton for punishment because even a response makes me happy. I feel like you and I are emotionally dependent people and that isn’t good for us. Best thing to do would be to not force a relationship, let it happen naturally. If it isn’t working, know that you can’t change other people.

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