Even by the early 90’s we were seeing TV programmes tapping into a national feeling for nostalgia for the 60’s and 70’s, the repeat doesn’t seem to of happened for the later decades.

  1. I mean, every gen z seems to have nostalgia for the 90s judging by how the fashion right now seems to be based on schools discos I went to when I was like 13.

  2. 80s nostalgia is absolutely a thing already.

    Musically the 80s has probably been more enduring in its appeal and breadth than any decade before or since.

  3. I already feel that there is and has been a lot of nostalgia for those decades; the 80s easily in the mid 2000’s onwards (lots of cities had their own Reflex night club, it’s continued with the popularity of 80s films and music and shows like stranger things).

    90s nostalgia has easily been here for the last decade. For many it’s the last time there was much variety in music. The 2000s, 2010s and now the 2020s don’t feel as different compared to the contrast between each decade last century.

  4. Actually, there already *is* a shit ton of 80’s/90’s nostalgia. It’s just not as overtly pasted into our eyes. What you described was popular back in the 90’s, but nowadays people find it annoying and/or jarring. Even so, you have shows like Stranger Things which is pretty popular for its nostalgia factor.

  5. Where have you been, the 80’s nostalgia boom has been in full force for like 15 years now?

  6. There’s plenty of it around already (Only yesterday I stumbled upon Channel 4 rebooting the Big Breakfast).

    Will it be as intense as for the 60s and 70s? Not quite I suspect. A lot changed culturally in those decades and whilst the 80s and 90s had plenty of developments it wasn’t as fast or as intense.

    Plus, when 60s/70s nostalgia was at peak, the methods of media delivery were still very similar and so it wasn’t as diffuse as cultural consumption now is. That’s probably the biggest factor.

    But there was still lots that was special about the 80s/90s. There were periods – the early 90s recession aside – where life in the U.K. was probably the best it had ever been, with peace and prosperity. We never quite got the 50s post-war boom the way the US did.

  7. There’s plenty of 80s nostalgia? Already thinking of strong franchises like Stranger things. The umpteenth films set in Germany before the fall of the wall like Atomic Blonde etc.

    I would say we’ve even gone further with our nostalgia in this generation because of the easy access of older content too – look how many fans of Friends there are!

  8. I would say 80s nostalgia is more prevalent than 60s nostalgia. After all decent music ended in the 80s. 😎

  9. Too much racism / sexism to care for the 60s and early 70s.

    The 80s/90s seem more refreshing and open minded.

  10. It’s already there with the next generation. They don’t know anything about the 60s and 70s. Their retro period is for sure the 80s and 90s. Music, fashion, TV shows based in that era. It already there, you’re just too old to realise

  11. Maybe not nostalgia but there has been a lot of “80’s vapourwave aesthics” on Youtube.

  12. It’s funny, I was thinking about nostalgia the other day and, unlike you, it feels most of the nostalgia I see is 80s. Maybe thats the internet/google bubble I’m in whereas your one is the 60s/70s

  13. Mate,. Those of use who were teenagers and young adults during the 90’s have massive nostalgia for that time. It was the last time when we had innocence and hope for the future. The world felt more fun and free.

  14. Huh? What are you talking about? Even since like early 2000s till today being a “90s kid” has been a massive thing for nostalgia-induced discussions, memes and so on. Expand your crowd

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