I (36M) do not like being in front of the camera. I’ve avoided it all my life, and it worked for me. I was married, so I didn’t really need to have pictures taken of me. After being out of the dating scene for over a decade, I suddenly find myself single with no knowledge on how to take selfies to get back out there. All of my friends have SO’s/kids, so no help from them (understandably). So I turn to you kind people of reddit for tips and tricks. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Have to get another person to help you. Trust me. And some pictures with other people.

  2. **The absolute best way to take a bunch of selfies for your online dating profile:** Don’t take a bunch of selfies for your online dating profile.

    Go out and do stuff with your friends. Hand them your phone when you’re out doing stuff. Ask them to take a picture of you. Choose one of the women in the group if at all possible. They are generally better at taking photos.

  3. There’s tons of YouTube videos on how to take good pictures. The right angles, advice on lighting, poses that flatter specific body types and such. Photography is a skill like anything else and practice does help.

  4. Get a tripod for self taken photos and use a timer and bluetooth button. Having the camera about 4-6’ away will be more flattering and accurate (selfies distort faces). Use a little ring light to create flattering lighting.

    Otherwise for selfies, hold the phone far out and slightly up and look up at it.

    Think pleasant thoughts during photos so the face looks relaxed and inviting. For natural smiling photos, try softly laughing.

    Soft lighting that’s filtered and even is best (this is why people do car selfies). Shadows emphasis wrinkles and blemishes. Bright light can be too harsh.

    When out with friends, simply ask to take photos together and ask them to snap you in front of any interesting backgrounds. Taking LOTS of photos will yield a few you like.

    And it’s not weird. It’s normal in modern culture to take photos everywhere.

  5. I didn’t read your post so I’m going to say…little hats.

    Nothing in a mirror, your car, without a shirt, or up your nostrils.

  6. Consider hiring a photographer, preferably one who specializes in events. If they’re worth their salt they’ll understand the lighting, angles, mood, candid/plannedit, contrast, style etc.

    Worth every red cent

  7. Be well put together and put place in good lighting, and you can’t really fail. Knowing how to pose even a little bit is useful, too.

  8. If you have a lot of friends with So’s I take that as meaning you have a lot of people who see you in comfortable social situations and probably a decent amount of women who would be able to honestly tell you flattering angles for photos.

    Lean on both of those. Ask someone to snap some candid photos next time you’re at a group barbecue or dinner or have one of your female friends my friends take some portrait style photos

  9. Go on what ever online classified site (Facebook marketplace or something like the) you use and find a photographer. There are always cheap hobbist photographer just looking to make some extra cash on the side or someone looking to expand their portfolio.

    Not saying you can’t take good pics of yourself, but this will you a lot of trouble and give you another opinion.

  10. i havent dated in almost 10 years, but decided i wanted to start going out and meeting someone again. got all my pictures done in the last week


    I asked a woman at the farmers market to take a picture of me because one of the booths had a pretty cool logo/sign


    I asked my waitress to sit down and take a picture of me when I was out at lunch


    Asked the trainer at the gym I go to take my picture, she asked what it was for and I was honest and told her it was for an online dating profile. she couldn’t of been more excited, and took like 15 pictures of me and told me to use one when I was sitting on a medicine ball tying my sneakers.


    Easy, asked 3 strangers, they were all super happy to help. good luck

  11. For selfies, be happy when you smile. Watch a comedy special, look at some memes, talk to friends. And like Peter Pan said, think happy thoughts. It will show through in your smile, and makes the picture so much better.

    If possible you also want an action shot or two. Hopefully you have friends or family that are photobugs. But you might also ask a close friend to take some shots of you when you’re doing something you enjoy or are concentrating on something.

  12. My forever tip is a selfie video. Having friends take pictures of you is nice but if you generally dislike photos of yourself and don’t like being in front of the camera, you’re unlikely to get any that you actually like. My face tenses up when someone is taking a photo of me. And I don’t want to ask a friend to retake the same photo over and over because I hate it every time.

    Instead I put the phone on selfie mode and take a video. Different poses, smiles, facial expressions, etc. Yes, you will feel stupid so do it somewhere you’re alone (I like to do it on a hike or just somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, so there’s not a lot of people walking by). If someone does catch you in the act, just act like you’re an influencer and this is your job LOL.

    Once you have some solid footage, like at least 5 minutes of footage, go through frame by frame and take screenshots. And there you go! Instant selfies that look like they were taken by a friend. This is how I’ve gotten all of my favorite photos of myself.

  13. Why no help from your friends with SOs/ Kids?
    My advice is, every time you go out and are dressed nicely take pictures of your friends using a good quality smart phone then ask them to take pictures of you, tell them it’s for your dating profile so they will be more patient. Ask them to take close ups torso + head, full body shots, and action or hobby shots. Ideally you want to have lots of pictures of you in various situations with various interesting/ nice looking backgrounds/ sceneries, so that you can choose your key 6. If you have an iPhone ask them to take pictures of you in both portrait and live mode (this is good as you can see frame by frame different options). Also ask them to take a video of you doing an action or hobby so you can get a still of a “candid” shot. In short you will want 100s of varied pictures of yourself, and then you’ll be able to choose one’s you look the best in. You’re not a professional model so cut yourself some slack. Good pictures are (lighting -ideally daylight or the golden hour just before sunset + interesting background + good clothes/hair). Good luck, like most things being photogenic can be learned 🙂

  14. You can buy a Bluetooth clicker that connects to your phone for $7 on Amazon so that it’s way less obvious it’s a selfie. You can then take the photo from a few feet away. Then just prop it up with some books or whatev

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