From a man’s perspective, how would a woman be able to know if the man she’s with isn’t over / still loves his ex?

  1. He keeps talking about them and comparing, and prolly speaks rubbish about ex’s

  2. There is the obvious stuff like talking about her too much in a specific way (talking about what he learned is a green flag imo).

    I will also say being closed off emotionally.

  3. He refers to his ex a lot, brings her name up, brings up past experiences with her, also keeps mementos from her like letters, cards, something that meant something to him from her.

  4. The woman really shouldn’t, they should just walk away and if the ex tries to contact then again they’ll know. This applies for men who wonder about their ex’s as well.

  5. If you can, listen to him drunk. I’ve heard a lot of blokes deepest darkest secrets drunk.

  6. What are some ways you can tell a woman isn’t over here ex? Because they probably the same ways.

  7. Goes for both genders if they don’t want to commit to you or rush things (= recent break-up or ex reached a relationship milestone recently).

    Also hot and cold behavior (could be other reasons but never good ones).

  8. You can’t really. Anything you see (that looks like that) is what he wants you to see. Much like a duck, all the real turbulence with men is under the surface. You won’t know it’s there

  9. he isn’t emotionally and physically available for you. Usually when a dude likes you it’s almost like they’re stalking you. It’s almost like they’re way too fucking clingy.

    he doesn’t have to talk about his ex to demonstrate he was a still into her. If you feel like he’s not committed enough to you, you might actually be correct with the information you’ve gathered by observing him and being around him.

  10. If he keeps trying to make you into her (or it feels like he is wishes you were her), by making off-handed comparison (or straightforward) remarks. Or he keeps trying to contact her/cling to her in several ways.

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