Aiming on bringing someone on a midnight date to a spot I know but that requires walking through someone’s garden and field where there is right of way. Can they stop me if it’s too late?

  1. Right of way is right of way. I would say to be as respectful as possible whilst walking through the garden, but I feel that needn’t be said.

  2. As far as I know a designated right of way has no time restrictions.

    In the case of the garden you could give notice (NOT ask permission) to be polite.

  3. In theory, public rights of way have no regard to the time of day – assuming this is indeed and marked public right of way.

    That said, you should have due regard for the landowner’s right to quiet enjoyment of their property. Keep the noise down, and don’t go shining lights at their windows. If you know the landowners it may be worth contacting them in advance.

    Theft and other criminality may be a concern for them, which could well make them suspicious of persons using the path at night.

  4. Don’t worry about it. The landowner chose to buy that property, and if they were concerned about people using the path they could have erected a fence either side of it.

  5. If you have right of way you have right of way. I do a lot of long distance trail running events where you are running through the night therefore do a lot of training at night so know there is nothing stopping your right of way after a certain time. Just be extra quiet and respectful

  6. It’s fine if it’s a public right of way. Don’t worry about it, but, as others are saying, don’t make a noise for the sake of it.

  7. I wouldn’t say there would be any legal issue about using it at any time of day or night, just be respectful and be quiet.

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