Let me elaborate. Long story short, I’m leaving my job and next week is my last week. I’m into a coworker and figured I’d talk to her before I leave but now I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. As stated in the title my social skills are horrible. I cannot carry a conversation for the life of me, and we don’t really talk because of that. She will try to talk to me every once in a while and I’ll screw it up and not know what to say. Do you think it’s a good idea to ask for her phone number or ask if she wants to hang out even though we never really talked much? Any advice would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Basically you have nothing to lose. We can’t guarantee she’s gonna be your gf, but definitelly doesn’t hurt to try. You would regret not giving it a shot.

    I’d say, if the two of you didn’t indulge in any fruitful conversations, then getting her number wouldn’t change much, bc the texting part could be problematic for you.

    You already know each other on some level, so If I were you, I would just ask her out. As she was initiating he chats with you, it may indicate there may be a chance. In the worst case scenario she will politely turn you down and you won’t get to see her again. Kinda win-win scenario.

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