What’s something you silently judge people for? 💭

  1. Not having their order ready and wallet out when they reach the front of the line at a food/drink place

  2. Lack of body hygiene. Sometimes I wonder if it was just better to tell them directly…

  3. Letting their children run rampant in public as if there is nothing wrong with their behavior.

  4. Unrestrained obsession with politics to the point where you define yourself via your political affiliation and have no distinct personality or interests apart from it.

  5. Playing music/YouTube without headphones on public transport.
    You’re either oblivious to the world around you or you don’t care. Neither of those options is a good look.

    Tbf I don’t always silently judge, sometimes I’ll ask them to turn their shit down or use headphones.

  6. When people let their babies faces remain dirty. I understand during meal/play time. But wipe the poor things face once it’s over.

  7. How people treat staff who are serving them, restaurants, shops, taxis ect.

    When people buy tasteless expensive things such as clothes with massive logos on them or overly-flash cars.

    When people act classless, shouting in public, dancing like strippers ect.

  8. How you treat your server, waiter, hostess, any employee helping you.

    I’ve been on a date with a girl who was consistently rude (for no valid reason) to the woman serving us… I made my date pay for her drinks and didn’t ask her out again.

  9. People who shift left in to an open and clear car lane (if available) when other people are trying to merge. I judge them to be considerate, good people.

  10. When someone has a picture of themselves as their phone lock screen. It’s just…. Odd. To me.

  11. Not saying thank you or have a good day to the cashier or sales associate when checking out. Their jobs suck, show a little humanity

  12. People who use speaker phone inside of retail stores or the bus, etc. without headphones.

  13. Parents smoking near or around their children.

    I suppose that’s your prerogative but from my point of view, that’s child abuse.

  14. Any political bumper sticker. You really have to be whacky to put a sticker on your car to let strangers know who you voted for.

    Similarly, those cars with the loli/weird anime stickers on their windows.

  15. Stupid people who want their opinions validated because they saw a YouTube video. I mean the type of person who would tell a Doctor of do their research.

  16. Attention seeking behavior.

    Constant selfies, etc. an entire generation now has the “lookatme’s”

    That crying CEO is king of the douches who are desperate for people to love them.

    Develop confidence in yourself and look inwardly for validation. Stop begging strangers for likes, upvotes, and other fake internet candy that doesn’t mean anything.

  17. Lack of situational awareness. Especially in public places. If you’re in a grocery store, don’t stand and have conversations in the middle of the damn aisle. If you’re walking slower than glaciers move while looking at your phone, step the hell off to the side. If you’re playing loud videos or music in a public place, walk into the ocean.

  18. people who workout directly in front of the dumbbell rack without leaving room between them and the rack

  19. Urgh. Lots of things. People who only seem to want to talk about themselves or things going on in their life. People who interrupt. People who dont listen. People who ask “how are you?” then dont really react when you answer.

    Rude, self absorbed people basically.

  20. Pretty much everything. I maintain I am not responsible for the first thoughts that enter my brain. Only if I entertain or act on them.

  21. Looking down at your phone And walking in places where you can easily be killed like in the warehouse I work, like have you no self preservation instincts?

  22. Somehow over the last few years we forgot that “should’ve” stands for “should have” and have instead resorted to “should of” and I despise it. So yes, sort your grammar out or I will judge thee.

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