For the last years I’ve been experiencing many unpleasing things when “interacting with friends”.

For example, sometimes we agree to do something one day and if that friend has something “better” (still wasting time) to do than hanging out with me, he’ll just forget about me. – I have one friend that does that frequently, but if I do that to him (for an important reason) he gets all aggressive and childish (I stopped talking to him but he still tries to reach me out – we know each other for like 9 years).

Another example is when they text me and tell me to get on at certain hour to play online. The time comes and they don’t answer me or say nothing, sometimes they “apologize” or text me weeks/days later (when they feel like playing again). I just don’t get it, why not answering something like “sorry, can’t play now”. – This happens with a childhood friend (know him for like 20 years) and a few other friends. The worst is that he is who reaches me out, not me, and when I do they say yes and never show up.

I got some other situations like those but don’t want to make this unreadable.

Don’t get wrong, I understand people has things to do. And I’m not the kind of person that enjoys socializing all day. I just don’t understand those reactions.

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